Acute Care Simulation Courses for Foundation Training Dr Alasdair Strachan Co-Director Montagu Clinical Simulation Centre Foundation School Director, South Yorkshire
Montagu Clinical Simulation Centre
Simulation in the Foundation programme Learning in Acute Care Assessing the management of acutely ill patients will enable overall competence in the acute care setting. Generic aspects of professional practice can also be assessed. The Foundation Programme will focus on learning in the workplace and much of the assessment in Foundation Programmes will occur there. Other learning and assessment environments such as short courses and simulation may also be used. 4.7 Recognition and management of acutely ill patients Outcome:..all foundation doctors should be competent and feel confident in the early management of emergency patients..
Foundation programme Evidence from recent UK pilot studies has shown that high fidelity simulators have given foundation doctors valuable opportunities for deepening their understanding of the importance of communication skills and teamwork when managing acutely ill patients. Medium fidelity simulators are now available throughout Britain, and these should be fully exploited.”
Montagu Sim Centre Foundation Trainee feedback F2 trainees Strongly AgreeTend to Agree Uncertain Tend to Disagree Strongly Disagree The Course was enjoyable The Course was relevant to my work I found the scenarios challenging The debriefing was constructive I felt able to ask any questions I had I feel better able to manage a crisis in the future This type of training will improve patient safety I found it easy to get time off to attend the Course I would recommend the Course to colleagues
Simulators Link Trainer 1931
Simulators Asmund Laerdal with Resusci-Anne Sim One in the late 1960s.
Acute Care Simulation Courses for Foundation Trainee – NAMS guidelines Resulted from NAMS Workshop of simulation centre and Clinical skills faculty Most providing Foundation simulation training Desire to have common key objectives, content and quality Written to assist new providers
Acute Care Simulation Courses for Foundation Trainee – NAMS guidelines Embedded in local curriculum Appropriate faculty Focus on areas difficult to address in clinical/other teaching environment Follow good educational principles
Summary Acute Care Simulation Courses for Foundation Trainees is well accepted, popular and provided in many centres Trainees feel it improves there management of sick patients and patient safety Medium fidelity simulators are now available throughout Britain, and these should be fully exploited.” Courses should follow NAMS guidelines
Workshop – in groups Share experiences of Foundation simulation training How can you use / improve using / wish to use simulation in Foundation generic training? How can we take forward the recommendations of the curriculum nationally?