Physics perspectives at PANDA Hadron Structure and Charm Physics with Antiprotons Alberto Rotondi University of Pavia AntiProton ANnihilations at DArmstadt
at FAIR Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Existing GSI Facilities Hadron Physics PANDA (& PAX) Plasma Physics Condensed Baryonic Matter Atomic Physics Rare Isotope Beams High Energy Antiproton Storage Ring Primary heavy-ion beam intensity increased by a factor Secondary heavy-ion beam intensity increased by a factor 10 4 Generation of intense antiproton beams Wide energy range: 1.Up to tens of GeV/u for heavy ions GeV/c for antiproton Cooperating Countries (signed MoU): China, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India Italy, Romania, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom Observers Countries: USA Open to new partnerships Commissioning from 2012, cost 1200 M Eu
3 SIS SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR Future Project PANDA PAX FLAIR CBM Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
Racetrack shaped Ring: 574 m lengthLuminosity/Intensity: Pbar production rate: 2x10 7 /s High luminosity mode: L = 2x10 32 [cm -2 s -1 ] High resolution mode: L = [cm -2 s -1 ] Momentum range: 1.5 – 15 [GeV/c] Momentum resolution: High luminosity mode: p/p=10 -4 (stochastic cooling above 3.8 GeV/c)) High resolution mode: p/p=10 -5 (electron cooling) HESR: High Energy Storage Ring for Antiprotons 2.25 < √s < 5.47 GeV
PANDA Collaboration At present a group of 420 physicists from 55 institutions from 17 countries Basel, Beijing, Bochum, IIT Bombay, Bonn, Brescia, IFIN Bucharest, Catania, Cracow, IFJ PAN Cracow, Cracow UT, Dresden, Edinburgh, Erlangen, Ferrara, Frankfurt, Genova, Giessen, Glasgow, GSI, Inst. of Physics Helsinki, FZ Jülich, JINR Dubna, Katowice, KVI Groningen, Lanzhou, LNF, Lund, Mainz, Minsk, ITEP Moscow, MPEI Moscow, TU München, Münster, Northwestern, BINP Novosibirsk, IPN Orsay, Pavia, Piemonte Orientale, IHEP Protvino, PNPI St.Petersburg, KTH Stockholm, Stockholm, Dep. A. Avogadro Torino, Dep. Fis. Sperimentale Torino, Torino Politecnico, Trieste, TSL Uppsala, Tübingen, Uppsala, Valencia, SINS Warsaw, TU Warsaw, AAS Wien Austria – Belaruz – China – Finland – France – Germany – India – Italy – The Netherlands – Poland – Romania – Russia – Spain – Sweden – Switzerland – U.K. – U.S.A.
Resonance Scan Beam Profile Resonance Cross Section small and well controlled beam momentum spread p/p is extremely important pp annihilations are less affected by radiative corrections E835 ’ scan _ Crystal Ball: typical resolution ~ 10 MeV Fermilab: 240 keV PANDA: ~30 keV
Charmonium Physics (dedicated experiments) Charmonium Physics (dedicated experiments) 7 e + e - Storage Rings (3 exp running) J ’(3700), ”(3770), BES, CLEO-c, KEDR SPEAR, DORIS, BES, CLEO-c, KEDR B Factories (2 exp running) B->[ cc ]X allowed to find c 1S, 2S CLEO, BABAR, BELLE pp annihilation many J PC quantum numbers become accessible in formation: R704, LEAR (CERN), E760, E835 (FNAL) pp annihilation up to 5.5 GeV : pp annihilation up to 5.5 GeV : High luminosity high precision momentum beam (x 10) High rate capability ( annihilations/s) 4 detector, efficient triggers Momentum resolution 1% Vertex info (c 317 m for charged D) Full detection capability for charged particles and ’s Magnetic Field, Modularity
8 Production Rates (1-2 (fb) -1 /y) Final State cross section # reconstr. events/y Common Feature : Low multiplicity events Moderate particle energies
EM calorimeter Straw tube or TPC; p/p ≈1% dE/dx Forward DC p/p ≈ 3GeV/c X 0 ≈ 1% EM calorimeter dE/E < 1%+2%/E 0.5 Hadron calorimeter Vertex detector resolution ≈ 100 m The PANDA detector (tracking) Pellets or cluster jet target atoms/cm 2
Barrel DIRCBarrel TOF Endcap DIRC Forward TOF Forward RICH Muon Detectors The PANDA detector (PID) Full angular coverage Strong magnetic field High resolution tracking Good particle identification
Spectroscopy charm spectroscopy hadrons in nuclear media hypernuclear physicsExotica glueball charmed hybrids Open Charm rare decays CP violations and D physics Exclusive Processes time like form factors crossed channel Compton scattering 11 A highly diversified physics program
12 c )=25.5±3.4 MeV c needs precision measurements of mass, total width and two partial width – c decay and mass splitting test different potential models h c ( 1 P 1 ) and 3 P states test the spin dependence of QQ potential. h c ( 1 P 1 ) parameters are uncertain Spectroscopy: Charmonium States Above the DD threshold many states and decays have to be discovered. (Exotics?) Test of long range spin dependent potential
Search for exotic states Naive Quark Model : Mesons (Resonances) = qq-states Baryons (Resonances) = qqq-states Existence of exotic states: Glue-Balls (gg, ggg), Hybrids (qqg), Multiquarks (qqqq, (qq) (qq) ) LQCD + Model Calculations: Many charmonium-like states are appearing to understand their nature the knowledge of their Mass, Width, Decay modes and Spin-Parity Mass, Width, Decay modes and Spin-Parity is necessary
14 Recent new Charmonium-like states from Belle Y(4361) Y(4664) Z(4430) CHARGED Multiquark?
15 New Open-Charm states from Belle, BaBar,CLEO, SELEX Maiani et al PRD 71(2005) Tetraquark spectrum See Also T. Stockmanns: “Hidden and open charm at PANDA ”
16 antiproton acts as a filter: antiproton acts as a filter: non formation (0 -+, 1 --, 1 +-, 0 ++, 1 ++, 2 ++ )All non exotic states are accessible in formation (0 -+, 1 --, 1 +-, 0 ++, 1 ++, 2 ++ ) associated production ( pp-> H c )Exotic states with quantum numbers not allowed in qq (J PC = 0 +–, 1 –+, …) are possible in associated production ( pp-> H c ) ( is hundreds of pb) productionExotic states are possible in production Search for meson exotic states
Baryon spectroscopy LEAR PS185
Total cross section Total cross section Differential cross section Differential cross section Polarisation Polarisation Spin-correlations Spin-correlations Spin transfer parameters Spin transfer parameters = C.M. scattering angle = directional vectors of decay nucleons Test of quark rearrangement dynamics There is no model that explains all these results There is no model that explains all these results!
PS185 = 0.006±0.014 (PDG 0.012±0.021) PS185 = 0.006±0.014 (PDG 0.012±0.021) unpolarised beam and target 8 accessible with an unpolarised beam and target Parity conservation Charge conjugation invariance Geometrical identities independent observables 24 accessible with p p “Expected” signal for direct CP violation ≤ Feasibility study: ≈ doable one year of beamtime < HARD one year of beamtime
Baryon spectroscopy
One year of data taking with PANDA ≈ 1-2 fb -1 Baryon spectroscopy
22 Charmed hadrons in nuclear matter Mass splittings because charge conjugation symmetry broken at n B 0 Problem: to select “clean” decay modes! c d _ d d u c _ d repulsive attractive D-D- D+D+ d d u d d u d d u d d u d d u K – (su): m s /m u ≈ 40 D + (cd): m c /m d ≈ 200 Quark atom Test of qq and qq potentials To be discovered Kaos FOPI Pionic atoms
23 Double -Hypernuclei - (dss) p(uud) (uds) (uds) 320 -hypernuclei/day 8 detected 8 detected - N conversion + sticking 28
Parton model: =1, = = 0 LO pQCD: 1- - 2 = 0, ~ 0 Lam-Tung sum rule ( P.R. D21 (80) 2712 ) NLO pQCD: >0 small exp. : < 0 large intrinsic p T allows good fit 24 Drell-Yan processes: nucleon structure evidence for yet unexplained violation of Lam-Tung sum rule as a genuine nonperturbative effect, related to intrinsic parton p T distribution
25 Even unpolarized observables can contribute to the study of the spin structure of the nucleon Drell-Yan processes: nucleon structure Bianconi & Radici, P.R. D71 (05)
26 Exclusive Drell-Yan processes: proton form factors in the time-like domain
27 Puzzles in the time-like domain Time-like: |G e | and |G m | are unkown separately and the phases are unknown Where is the QCD limit? space like analytic continuation time-like? q 2 <0 q 2 >0 expected observed
28 ADONE Q 2 = 4.4 GeV (1973) CERN Q 2 ~ 3.6 (1977) Orsay-DM1 Q 2 ~ (1979) Orsay-DM2 Q 2 =4-5 (1983) LEAR Q 2 ~ (1994) E760 Q 2 ~ (1993) FENICE Q 2 ~3.7-6 (1994) E835 Q 2 ~ (1999) (2003) CLEO Q 2 ~11-12 (2005) BES Q 2 ~4-9 (2005) BaBar Q 2 ~2-20 (2005) World data PANDA: wider angular acceptance and higher statistics Possibility to measure |G E | and |G M | separately Possibility to measure |G E | and |G M | separately 29 GeV 2
Conclusions p-beams can be cooled very effectively Enormous impact in particle physics of p-induced reactions p-induced reactions have unique features – Nearly all states can be directly produced – High cross sections guarantee high statistics _ _ _ Charm physics, Dalitz plots, Charm in nuclear matter, Relative and absolute branching ratios, Singly and doubly Cabibbo forbidden decays, New D decays, Test of fundamental symmetries, Hypernuclear physics, Drell-Yan processes, Form factors,