WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice Influencing Others How to Sell Ideas
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice Agenda Why How Pre Work Know your Audience The Pitch Three Things
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice Why Your projects, programs, and career turn on the difference between “no” and “yes.” Part emotional intelligence, part politics, and part psychology, selling ideas is not like tricking someone out of his money. It’s about helping others to see things your way— engaging their minds and imaginations. (Richard Shell, author of “The Art of WOO – Using Strategic persuasion to Sell Your Ideas”) On Today’s Knowledge Based Workforce – “In our world, the right to give orders has largely been replaced by the need to facilitate, lead, and exercise influence.” (Klatt, Murphy, Irvine)
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice How Order Ask/Request Cajole Influence Intimidate Manipulate
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice Influence Pre-Work 1.Establish Credibility Authentic professional relationships Expertise Trust 2.Plan Know how you are perceived by others. Know your audience, what do they value? Inside an organization selling your idea is likely to be a series of interactions rather than one single “pitch”
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice “Customer” Types Driven by facts Wants the details Decision based on a solid detailed business case Asks “How does it work” BlueGreen Driven by relationships Wants time to think it over Decisions based on how will it affect me and others Asks “Who will be affected” and “How much change” Driven by control Wants the Bottom Line Up Front Decisions based on operational performance Asks “What will be accomplished” Red Yellow Driven by rapport Wants to hear about the vision and big picture Decisions based on “gut feeling” and how it might enhance their status Asks “Who else likes it”
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice Influence 1.Context Frame Your Idea. State the Opportunity. 2.Clarify Explain the details. Why should they act? (in their frame of reference) Supplement numerical evidence with stories, metaphors, analogies that will speak to the heart as well as the head. 3.Create Deal with concerns or objections. Seek and share ideas. 4.Commit Determine Who will do What by When. 5.Close You’ve already closed the “selling of your idea” and have commitment. This is more about ending the conversation appropriately, saying Thanks. Don’t keep selling at this point …. Get out of the conversation and move on.
WILY MANAGER Just-in-Time Management Advice Three Things Three Killer Mistakes 1.Failing to plan 2.Focusing on yourself instead of your audience. 3.Ignoring politics … or not using them to your advantage.