COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES THURSDAY, JUNE 30TH, Financial Management – Phase VII Expenditure Review in June
FY 2011 Fiscal Year End Prizes 2 Units over $1 Million budget $50 first prize $35 second prize $20 third prize Small unit under $1 Million budget $20 first prize ……..and there may be more……
Welcome to “June 30 th & Expenditure Review” 3 For all accounts – posting dates: Personal Services – Salaried line - 09A & 09Y will post on 6/30/2011, 09H on 7/1/2011 Graduate Line – 09G – will post by 7/1/2011 or over the weekend Miscellaneous line – 09T - will post by 7/1/2011 or over the weekend Maymester/summer salary – 6/15/2011 – will post on 7/1/2011 or after. All adjustments for other personnel line will post with the 6/30/2011 payroll. For changes to PERS – please wait until next week to check the ERS system Verification of GA type for 6/30/2011 Payroll, GAA or GAS. Non personal Services – posting dates: P-card charges – the last week (June 18 th to June 27 th ) will post 6/30/2011 Journals completed will post today, 6/30/2011.
Emergency Journal Entry Procedures 4 For DRG emergency journals, please contact me for approval first. Agency account deficits must be cleared today. Fund code deficits must be cleared today. For PRJ emergency journals, please contact Kavitha Sivakumar in our office. Kavitha will explain the timelines for grant journal entry. Departments/Colleges cannot complete journal entries for FY 2011 after 6/30/2011. Journals going off projects onto a fund code 10XXX, 13000, Cannot be completed by anyone after today.
Fall PERS and Payroll Transfers 5 FALL 2010 PERS 6/29/2011 Viral Immunology % African American Studies % Geosciences % Physics & Astronomy % Biology % Chemistry % Modern Classical Languages % Neuroscience Institute % Computer Science % Psychology % Sociology % Math & Stats % Communications %
Spring PERS Completed 6 Applied Linguistics % Applied Linguistics % Art & Design % Biology % Biology % English % History % CHARA % Center for Brain Sciences % Women’s Studies %
Spring PERS and Payroll Transfers 7 SPRING 2011 PERS % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Using Reports & Queries 8 Account codes – FC 1000 – Food FC 20XXX – Indirect Cost Reports – review actuals v budget queries v report
Answers and Group Discussion 9 Discussion on Fiscal Year end. Thank you for attending. HAPPY NEW YEAR!