Welcome Session Monday August 16 th, 2010
Welcome Session Welcome, Getting to Know You & Introductions Vision for Math CAMPPP 2010 Math CAMPPP Program Housekeeping Parking lot GAINS CAMPPP Wiki 2010
Ice Breaker…Getting to Know the Group
Organizers Kaye Appleby, Retired – London Myrna Ingalls, Ministry of Education Officer Connie Quadrini, Math Consultant – YCDSB Shelley Yearley, Math Consultant – TLDSB
Plenary Presenter Dr. Marian Small, Consultant and Author
Focused Breakout Session Presenters K-2 Chris Lynd, Retired from Trillium Lakelands DSB Glynnis Fleming, Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Gina Micomonaco, York Catholic DSB
3-6 Cathy Chaput, Wellington Catholic DSB Mike Davis, Halton DSB Joyce Tonner, Thames Valley DSB Focused Breakout Session Presenters
7&8 John Ford, Kwartha Pine Ridge DSB Michelle Lang, Waterloo Region DSB Debbie Wines, Trillium Lakelands DSB Focused Breakout Session Presenters
9&10 Paul Alves, Peel DSB Sonia Ellison, Halton Catholic DSB Trish Steele, Simcoe County DSB Focused Breakout Session Presenters
11&12 Shirley Dalyrmple, York Region DSB Liisa Suurtamm, DSB of Niagara Karen Timson, York Region DSB Focused Breakout Session Presenters
Leadership Connie Quadrini, York Catholic DSB Shelley Yearley, Trillium Lakelands DSB Focused Breakout Session Presenters
Fearless Speaking and Listening Responding to Provide Appropriate Scaffolding and Challenge Questioning to Evoke and Expose Thinking Establishing Math Talk Learning Communities Assessment for Learning Differentiated Instruction through Questioning Effective Uses of Manipulatives and Technology Teaching through the Mathematical Processes Consistency and Alignment of Assessments of Learning Building Networks Within and Across Boards Engaging in Reflective Practice through Collaborative Learning and Coaching Deepening Understanding of Pedagogical Content Knowledge Focusing on Important Mathematics Big Ideas Relevant to Proportional Reasoning Vision for Math CAMPPP 2010 Teaching for Conceptual Understanding
Goals for Math CAMPPP 2009 Participants leave CAMPPP knowing… Participants practise the following in a safe environment… Participants leave CAMPPP believing that…
Big Ideas for Number and Other Relevant Big Ideas
Program: Schedule
TIPS 2.0 and PPQT
Program: Sessions Plenary Session Description & Speaker Biography Making the Big Ideas Relevant to Proportional Reasoning Meaningful to All of Our Students
Program: Sessions Focused Breakout Session Descriptions & Speaker Biographies –K-2: Proportional Reasoning: Laying the Foundation –3-6: Proportional Reasoning: A Focus on Multiplicative Thinking –7/8: Proportional Reasoning: A Focus on Ratio and Fractional Relationships –9/10: Proportional Reasoning: A Focus on Proportional Thinking –11/12: Proportional Reasoning: Building to More Complex Relationships –Leaders: Creating an Environment for Mathematical Success
Program: Useful Resources
Glossary – Frayer Models
Networking Time Monday to Thursday Opportunity for campppers to get to know one another and engage in informal focused conversations Areas available: –Second floor common area [sitting areas, pool tables, shuffleboard, etc] –Classrooms 2 and 3 [ tables & chairs for board games] in Bayview will be the social gathering space. Each evening around 8:30 p.m. snacks and ice will be provided. –Common space in Mardon Lodge
Housekeeping Math CAMPPP memory sticks Expense claims – forms Video and artefact permission forms Parking lot Kempenfelt Conference Centre – phone messages
Parking Lot
CAMPPP 2010 Wiki camppp.wikispaces.com/ CAMPPP+2010
Enjoy Math CAMPPP! We all need someone who inspires us to do better than we know how. Anon