SHE Document for Evaluation SHE Policy signed by CEO SHE Plan aligned to Kusile SHE Specification and mostly scope of service to be rendered (Sec 4 part 9) Proof of registration with the compensation commissioner and letter of good standing Base line Risk Assessment including high and medium risk in line with scope of work), Bidder’s provision or indication for cost of SHE measures during period of service H& S costing – indicate some sort of cost provision for SHE eg trainings, PPE, SHE intervention etc 2
Environmental Requirements Proposed Environmental Management Plan (cEMP) SLA with service provider (eg who will collect contaminated water, and where will it be disposed off) Waste Management on site. Control and Manage Environmental emergency on site eg ( fire and spillage) Maintenance program Dust management plan 3
SHE POLICY Minimum Content Legal Requirement –OHS Act Sec 7 Policy should be in writing,communicated to all employees and displayed for all to see. Description of the organization Develop guideline concerning the content of policy (statement framework) Protection of health & safety of his employees Review dates and signed by CEO Management system Requirement Top management define and authorize the organization policy, Appropriate to the nature and scale of org. Includes commitment to prevention of injury & ill health Commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements Framework for setting and reviewing policy Documented, implemented and maintained Communicated to all, available to interested parties Reviewed periodically 4
SHE Plan & Risk Assessment Content CR 2014 & SHE SPECIFICATION ( Page 7) H & S plan means a site, activity or project specific documented plan in accordance with the client’s H/S specification. It also addresses hazards identified in the SHE Specifications and includes safe work procedures to mitigate, reduce, or control the hazards. identified. It is specific to each construction project undertaken and site where work is done, is compiled by the principal contractor and appointed contractor, and must be approved by the client/agent prior to the commencement of any construction activities on a project. The principal contractor and the client/agent must both be signatories to the health and safety plan. Risk Management Means Identify risk, Analyze, evaluate and treat the risk, monitor and review From client Baseline R/A, bidder/ contractor develop activity / scope related risk assessment. Environmental Impact & Aspect Register Identify your Aspect with Environmental impacts either negative or positive Indicate before and after controls/ mitigation measures in place Rate the impacts is either low, medium or high 5
Legal requirements & Other relevant requirements Competency for E/O & S/O Environmental Officer – full time with minimum tertiary qualification and two years of experience in Environmental and monitoring as per Kusile Section 4 part 10 (SES) Safety Officer- National Diploma in Safety Management or Environmental Health; as per Section 4 part 9- SHE Specification). A recognised safety certification (minimum: of 2 weeks training) (e.g. SAMTRAC / Modern SHEQ Management course) and registration and accreditation from a recognised Health and Safety Professional Body All safety practitioners shall be registered with Statutory Body ‐ SACPCMP from August