MGT301 Principles of Marketing Lecture-15
Summary of Lecture-14
Consumer Buying Behavior (cont..) Marketing and Other Stimuli Marketing and Other Stimuli Buyer’s Black Box ”what” & “how” Buyer’s Black Box ”what” & “how” Buyer’s Response Product Price Place Promotion Economic Technological Political Cultural Buyer characteristics affecting consumer behavior Buyer’s decision process Product choice Brand choice Dealer choice Purchase timing Purchase quantity
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior Cultural Social Personal Psychological
Today’s Topics
Social Reference groups Family Roles and status Personal Age and life-cycle Occupation Economic situation Lifestyle Personality and self-concept Psycho- logical Motivation Perception Learning Beliefs and attitudes Buyer Culture Sub- culture Social class Culture Sub- culture Social class Cultural
3. Personal a. Age and life cycle stage b. Occupation c. Economic situation d. Lifestyle e. Personality and self-concept
a. Age and life cycle stage b. Occupation c. Economic situation d. Lifestyle e. Personality
4. Psychological a. Motivation b. Perception c. Learning d. Beliefs and attitudes
a. Motivation Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Physiological Safety Social Esteem Self- Actualization
Physiological Needs
Safety Needs Physiological Needs
Social Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs
Safety Needs Social Needs Physiological Needs Personal Needs
b. Perception
Perception Process by which people select, organize, and interpret stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture.
c. Learning A process that creates changes in behavior, immediate or expected, through experience and practice.
d. Beliefs and attitudes
Value Enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct is personally or socially preferable to another mode of conduct.
An organized pattern of knowledge that an individual holds as true about his or her world. Belief Attitude A learned tendency to respond consistently toward a given object.
Types of Buying decision behavior Complex buying behavior Dissonance-reducing buying behavior Habitual buying behavior Variety seeking buying behavior
Complex Buying Behavior Dissonance- Reducing Buying Behavior Variety- Seeking Behavior Habitual Buying Behavior High Involvement Significant differences between brands Few differences between brands Low Involvement
Buyer Decision Process
Problemrecognition Informationsearch Evaluation of alternatives Purchasedecision Postpurchasebehavior
Postpurchase Behavior Postpurchase Behavior Purchase Evaluation of Alternatives Evaluation of Alternatives Information Search Need Recognition Cultural, Social, Individual and Psychological Factors affect all steps Cultural, Social, Individual and Psychological Factors affect all steps
Need Recognition Result of an imbalance between actual and desired states.
Information Search Internal Information Search Recall information in memory External Information search Seek information in outside environment Non-marketing controlled Marketing controlled
Evaluation of Alternatives Steps Between Evaluation of Alternatives and a Purchase Decision
Evaluationofalternatives Purchase intention Unantici- pated situational factors Attitude of others Purchase decision
Purchase Decision Determines which attributes are most important in influencing a consumer’s choice To buy or not to buy...
Five Factors influencing Decisions 1.Level of consumer involvement 2.Length of time to make decision 3. Cost of good or service 4. Degree of information search 5. Number of alternatives considered
Post-purchase Behavior
Buyer Decision Process for New Products Awareness Interest Evaluation Trial Adoption
Enough for today...
Summary Consumer Buying Behavior
Model of Buyer Behavior Marketing & other stimuli Marketing Product Price Place Promotion Other Economic Technological Political Cultural Buyer’s Black Box Buyer Characteristics Buyer Decision Process Buyer Responses Product Choice Brand Choice Dealer Choice Purchase Timing Purchase Amount
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior Social Reference groups Family Roles and status Personal Age and life-cycle Occupation Economic situation Lifestyle Personality and self-concept Psycho- logical Motivation Perception Learning Beliefs and attitudes Buyer Culture Sub- culture Social class Culture Sub- culture Social class Cultural
Buyer Decision Process
Postpurchase Behavior Postpurchase Behavior Purchase Evaluation of Alternatives Evaluation of Alternatives Information Search Need Recognition Cultural, Social, Individual and Psychological Factors affect all steps Cultural, Social, Individual and Psychological Factors affect all steps
Buyer Decision Process for New Products Awareness Interest Evaluation Trial Adoption
Next…. Business Markets and Buying Behavior
MGT301 Principles of Marketing Lecture-15