Looking at WEPS – a Moodle based course management system
What is MOODLE? Moodle (acronym for Modular Object- Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free software e-learning platform.ModularObject- OrientedDynamicLearning Environment free softwaree-learning Moodle is free. (moodle.org) Information:
Typical Features Assignment submission Discussion forum Files download Grading Moodle instant messages Online calendar Online news and announcement (College and course level) Online quiz Wiki
You are Administrator. Class Roster Grades Import Question bank
The most important little button in the whole system Upper right of page.
With “Editing On” Snap shot of course. Next to each item is the “Edit” menu button. Make changes here. Edit Menu Adding an Activity
Denotes those tools I use frequently
That’s all there is to it!