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This procedure is one of the most popular techniques of modern-day medicine. Weight loss surgery not only reduces the patients’ weight but also decreases the chance of obesity-related health issues. This procedure is done using the laparoscopic method to minimize the scar and to enable a speedy recovery. Bariatric surgery, also referred to as weight loss surgery, is the procedure done for those people who are severely obese. Weight Loss Surgery In this weight loss procedure, the size of the stomach is reduced by implanting gastric banding medical device. This can also be done by re-routing and resenting the small intestines to a small stomach pouch and the process is termed as gastric bypass surgery. The other way could be a removal of the stomach (Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch or sleeve gastrectomy)
Who should consider Weight Loss Surgery? A candidate should have a BMI (Body Mass Index) in between The candidate should also possess an obesity-related condition of diabetes mellitus, severe sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. A candidate should have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 40 or more. The BMI in between is considered as normal. The calculation of BMI is done by dividing the weight of a person in kilograms by height in meters squared.
Types of Weight Loss Surgery Abdominoplasty This procedure, also called 'tummy tuck’, is a procedure meant for those with a flabby stomach with or without hernia. Through this procedure, about eight kilograms of fatty tissue can be knocked off and any associated hernia is also repaired. We have done a whopping of these procedures in the last 9 years with fabulous results. Liposuction This a less invasive procedure and is done by sucking the fat out from the arms, thighs, buttocks and lower abdomen through tiny holes. In this procedure, the focus is not on weight loss but on contouring the body by reducing fat from particular sites.
Restrictive Procedure -The Lap Gastric Band : The surgery is primarily performed for decreasing the amount of food consumption at a time. The purpose is to create restriction so that a person feels satisfied with little amounts of food. Due to smaller outlet, the food remains in the stomach for a long time. Due to smaller outlet, the food remains in the stomach for a long time. The idea is to decrease daily calorie intake without a feeling of deprivation. Bariatric Surgery Procedure This procedure entails a laparoscopic implantation of a silastic band around the stomach just below the gastro-esophageal junction, sectioning off a small portion called as stomach pouch creating an hour-glass effect.
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