Public Relations Strategies and Tactics Chapters 2
Chapter 2: The Evolution of Public Relations Early Beginnings The 1800s: The Golden Age of Press Agentry 1900 to 1950: The Age of Pioneers 1950 to 2000: Public Relations Comes of Age Today’s Practice and Trends
Early Beginnings In India in 300 B.C., Emperor Asoka used stone pillars to publicize his accomplishments and policies. Julius Caesar was the 1st politician to publish book called Commentaries. After Caesar became consul of Rome in 59 B.C., he had public proceedings posted on walls throughout the city. Acta Diurna, or Daily Doings were the 1st newspapers
The 1800s: The golden age of press agentry The Legacy of P.T. Barnum Phineas T. Barnum best represents the hype and press agentry of the 19th century. He used flowery language, exaggeration, controversy, massive advertising, and publicity to promote his various attractions. Barnum gained fame in 1835 as the exhibitor of Joice Heth. In 1840s, Barnum introduced the world to Tom Thumb. Barnum had another success which was the promotion of Jenny Lind.
1900 to 1950: The age of pioneers Ivy Ledbetter Lee, a former business journalist for the New York Times, the New York World, and the New York American. In 1905, Lee opened his public relations firm, Parker and Lee, he issued a declaration of principles that signaled a new model of public relations practice: public information. First client was the Pennsylvania Railroad, where he was retained as a publicity counselor. Became the executive assistant to the president of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Major accomplishment was the railroad freight hike campaign. Best known for his work with the Rockefeller family.
Edward L. Bernays, Father of Modern Pubic Relations. 1923 became a major spokesperson through his book Crystallizing Public Opinion. Bernays was invited by New York University to offer the first public relations course. Continued: 1900 to 1950: The age of pioneers
George Creel- The Creel Committee persuaded newspapers and magazines to contribute volumes of news and advertising space to encourage Americans to save food and to invest heavily in Liberty Bonds. Arthur W. Page- Became Vice President of AT&T in 1927; credited with establishing the concept that public relations should have an active voice in higher management. Rex Harlow- Father of public relations research; Harlow founded the American Council on Public Relations, which changed later to the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). Elmer Davis- Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Davis head of Office of War Information during WW II; mounted an even larger public relations effort to promote the sale of war bonds, obtain press support for wartime, etc.; Voice of America was established to carry news of the war to all over the world.
1950 to 2000: public relations comes of age The field of public relations greatly expanded after WW II as a result of changes in American society. The concept of public relations as just media relations and publicity began to shift; the concepts of reputation management and relationship building became more prominent in the literature and in practice. Public relations, a male dominance, experienced the massive influx of women into field, to the point that an estimated 70% of today’s public relations practitioners are female.
Today's practice and trends Public relations, in the era of the Internet and social media, places increased emphasis on listening, engagement, and dialogue with respective publics. Currently ongoing trends in public relations include the effort to have a more diverse workforce, practice on a global scale, and the revolutionary shift from traditional mass media to digital media. The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSP) and the necessity for transparency became mainstreamed in terms of widespread acceptance by all organizations.