August 26, 2009 What is it all about? Ideas for the classroom Ideas / Resources for Professional Development Tools – And How to Use them Roger Carroll -
iPod Therefore: iListen iSync iPodcast iLearn
Teacher Use of Podcasts Integrate Professional Development Student Listen / Watch Create
In the classroom... ENGLISH CLASSES –Practice speeches –Analyze lyrics –Study dialects –Listen to recitations –Read aloud
In the classroom... SOCIAL STUDIES CLASSES –Practice speeches –Listen to historical audio clips –Create news casts –Improve presentations –Create podcasts
In the classroom... LANGUAGE CLASSES –Record dialogues –Listen and improve speaking skills by practicing accents & pronunciation –Oral quizzes & tests –Spark student involvement by producing news cast, vocabulary songs, etc...
In the classroom... MATH CLASSES –Verbalize solutions to Math problems –Generate word problems –Paperless Math: Hone listening skills as a way to solve mathematical problems
In the classroom... SCIENCES CLASSES –Speak - not write - lab reports –Listen and capture sounds Animals: dog, cat, bugs & birds Weather: rain, wind, sleet & hail Science Experiments –Create Podcasts
In the classroom... MUSIC CLASSES –Record musical instruments & voice groups or solo –Create original songs using various instruments/tracks –Compare musical tracks –Analyze intonation of tracks –Demonstrate rhythm and sound waves
Mr. Coley - Tony Vincent- iTunes- Learning in Hand -
Podcasting Essentials Recording Software PC = Audacity (+ Lame encoder) Free Mac = Garageband Microphone Script Upload to site iTunes MP3 Device
What is Audacity? Free software Music/audio editing program Audio recording program Universal among operating systems Available in over 20 languages
When you Connect your iPod Eject your iPod AFTER you sync
Sources Information –Audacity Website –Michelle Librach presentation –Wikipedia Pictures –Google Images –Audacity Website