February 2, 2011 Lesson Fifteen
Key Question: In what way does Jesus change me?
1. How does Jesus change to whom I belong? a. Romans 6:22 I use to belong to sin; now I belong to God b. 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20* The price paid for me = Jesus' blood c. 2 Corinthians 5:15* I want to live for him (Jesus) to whom I belong
How does Jesus change to whom I belong? I no longer belong to sin because Jesus paid for me. Now I want to live for him.
2. How does Jesus change my confidence? a. Isaiah 40:6-8* Confidence in people or in myself will prove worthless b. Isaiah 61:10* My confidence is built on the robe of Jesus' righteousness c. Revelation 7:14 My confidence is built on Jesus' blood washing me clean
2. How does Jesus change my confidence? I no longer build my confidence on myself or other people, but on the solid rock of Jesus and his blood and righteousness.
3. Where do I find true happiness since Jesus has changed me? a. Titus 2:11, 12* Jesus changes me to see that true happiness says, “No!” to sin b. Titus 2:14* He makes me eager to do good c. Colossians 3:17* I can find true happiness (blessedness) in whatever I do out of thankful love to Jesus
3. Where do I find true happiness since Jesus has changed me? I find true happiness and blessedness in hating sin and living a godly life
4. What do I eagerly and confidently look forward to? a. Colossians 3:4* I eagerly look forward to Jesus coming and taking me to glory in heaven b. Job 19:25-27 * I am confidence that I will see Jesus because he rose from the dead
4. What do I eagerly and confidently look forward to? Because Jesus has changed me, I eagerly and confidently look forward to heaven, for Jesus has risen from the dead and lives and rules eternally.
Key Question: In what way does Jesus change me? Jesus purchased me with his blood, so he is my confidence and happiness and I eagerly do good waiting for the time when I will live with him in glory forever.