11.1 The Byzantine Empire After Rome split, the Eastern Empire, known as Byzantium, flourishes for a thousand years.
A New Rome in a New Setting The Eastern Roman Empire The Eastern Roman Empire Roman Empire officially divides into East and West in 395.Roman Empire officially divides into East and West in 395. Eastern Empire flourishes; becomes known as ByzantiumEastern Empire flourishes; becomes known as Byzantium Justinian becomes emperor of Byzantium in 527.Justinian becomes emperor of Byzantium in 527. His armies reconquer much of the former Roman territory.His armies reconquer much of the former Roman territory. Byzantine emperors head state and church, use brutal politicsByzantine emperors head state and church, use brutal politics
Life in the New Rome New Laws for the Empire New Laws for the Empire Justinian seeks to revise and update laws for governing the empireJustinian seeks to revise and update laws for governing the empire Justinian Code—new set of laws consisting of four main partsJustinian Code—new set of laws consisting of four main parts Code regulates much of Byzantine life; lasts for 900 years.Code regulates much of Byzantine life; lasts for 900 years.
Creating the Imperial Capital Creating the Imperial Capital Justinian launches a program to beautify the capital, Constantinople.Justinian launches a program to beautify the capital, Constantinople. Constructs new buildings; builds magnificent church, Hagia Sophia.Constructs new buildings; builds magnificent church, Hagia Sophia. Byzantines preserve Greco-Roman culture and learning.Byzantines preserve Greco-Roman culture and learning.
Constantine’s Hectic Pace Constantine’s Hectic Pace City becomes trading hub with major marketplace.City becomes trading hub with major marketplace. Giant Hippodrome offers chariot races and other entertainment.Giant Hippodrome offers chariot races and other entertainment. Racing fans start riots in 532; the government restores order violently.Racing fans start riots in 532; the government restores order violently. Empress Theodora is the powerful wife and adviser to Justinian.Empress Theodora is the powerful wife and adviser to Justinian.
The Empire Falls Years of Turmoil Years of Turmoil Justinian dies in 565; the empire faces many crises after his death.Justinian dies in 565; the empire faces many crises after his death. Attacks from East and West Attacks from East and West Byzantium faces attacks from many different groups.Byzantium faces attacks from many different groups. Empire survives through bribery, diplomacy, and military power.Empire survives through bribery, diplomacy, and military power. Constantinople falls in 1453; brings an end to the Byzantine Empire.Constantinople falls in 1453; brings an end to the Byzantine Empire.
The Church Divides A Religious Split A Religious Split Christianity develops differently in Eastern and Western Roman Empires.Christianity develops differently in Eastern and Western Roman Empires. Two churches disagree over many issues, including the use of icons.Two churches disagree over many issues, including the use of icons. Icons are two-dimensional religious images used to aid in prayer.Icons are two-dimensional religious images used to aid in prayer. Leading bishop of Eastern Christianity is known as a Patriarch.Leading bishop of Eastern Christianity is known as a Patriarch. In the West, the pope excommunicates the emperor, banishing him from the church over the iconoclast controversy.In the West, the pope excommunicates the emperor, banishing him from the church over the iconoclast controversy.
The Primary Causes of the East-West Schism of 1054* CauseEastern ChurchWestern Church POLITICAL RIVALRYByzantine EmpireHoly Roman Empire CLAIMS OF PAPACYPatriarch of Constantinople was considered second in primacy to the bishop of Rome. Bishop of Rome claimed supremacy over entire church. THEOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Stagnated after Council of Chalcedon. Continued to change and grow through controversies and expansion. FILIOQUE CONTROVERSEY Declared that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father. Declared that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. ICONOCLASTIC CONTROVERSY Engaged in 120-year dispute over the use of icons in worship; finally concluded they could be used (statues prohibited). Made constant attempts to interfere in what was purely an Eastern dispute (statues permitted). *from Robert C. Walton. Chronological and Background Charts of Church History. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986.
The Primary Causes of the East-West Schism of 1054* CauseEastern ChurchWestern Church DIFFERENCES IN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Greek/OrientalLatin/Occidental CLERICAL CELIBACY Lower clergy were permitted to marry. All clergy were required to be celibate. OUTSIDE PRESSURES Muslims constricted and put continual pressure on Eastern Church. Western Barbarians were Christianized and assimilated by Western church. MUTUAL EXCOMMUNICATIO N OF 1054 Michael Cerularius anathematized Pope Leo IX after having been excommunicated by him. Leo IX excommunicated Patriarch Michael Cerularius of Constantinople. *from Robert C. Walton. Chronological and Background Charts of Church History. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986.
Four Original Provinces within Christianity Recognized by the Council of Nicaea (325 C.E.) Antioch Alexandria Jerusalem Rome In 325, the Council of Nicaea recognized only four major jurisdictions within the church. Due to the Jewish revolts of the 1 st and 2 nd Centuries, a shift in the influence of Christianity had taken place away from Jerusalem. Antioch and Alexandria became major jurisdictions, but because of conflicting schools of interpretation and theology often disputed with one another. After its founding by Constantine, Constantinople was rising in importance and later its Patriarch also disputed with Alexandria over theology (e.g. Nestorius who held to the Nestorian heresy of a two- person Christology). Rome, being the original seat of the Roman Empire was given Primacy as “first among equals.” This meant that the opinion of the pope of Rome was canvassed in theological disputes. He was given some jurisdiction outside of Rome, but it did not mean he had jurisdiction over the other three provinces. It was implied that the distance of Rome from the other provinces gave the Pope some level of impartiality as to theological opinion, but not a definitive say in settling disputes.
“Pentarchy”: Five Provinces Recognized by the Council of Chalcedon (451 C.E.) Antioch Alexandria Jerusalem Rome Constantinople In 381 the Council of Constantinople elevated Constantinople to a Patriarchate (major province) because the seat of the Roman government was moved there. Constantine had called Constantinople “Nova Roma” (New Rome). Theodosius the Great, who died in 395, was the last emperor to rule a unified Roman Empire. In 410 Germanic tribes (Visogoths) had sacked Rome, and by the middle of the 5 th century the western Roman Empire had fallen. In 451 the Council of Chalcedon—which settled the Christological controversies of the time—affirmed a fifth province in Constantinople.
Eastern Orthodox View of the Equality of Patriarchs Patriarch of Rome “primacy” First Among Equals Patriarch of Rome “primacy” First Among Equals Patriarch of Constantinople Patriarch of Constantinople Patriarch of Alexandria Patriarch of Antioch Patriarch of Jerusalem “First among equals” merely meant that the Pope’s opinion was the one that was asked first. As noted above, the distance of Rome from the east could imply impartiality. But the Eastern Orthodox did not hold that the Pope’s opinion was law for the entire Church. In the ancient “pentarchy” (the five “sees” listed below) he would preside as the “chair” in an ecumenical council. This did not give him any authority over other jurisdictions however.
Roman Catholic View of “Papal Supremacy” Pope of Rome Supreme above other provinces Pope of Rome Supreme above other provinces Patriarch of Constant- inople Patriarch of Constant- inople Patriarch of Alexandria Patriarch of Antioch Patriarch of Jerusalem
Effect of Islamic Conquests Antioch Alexandria Jerusalem Rome Constantinople The Islamic conquests of the 7 th and 8 th Centuries effectively eliminate any influence of the patriarchates of Jerusalem, Antioch, and Alexandria in the Christian world. Constantinople had already been given second place in “primacy” to Rome, therefore the two main “rival” patriarchates are Rome and Constantinople. This sets up the political conflict that was to come and be exacerbated by the linguistic, liturgical, and theological differences between Rome and Constantinople.
Linguistic Disunity West—dominant language Latin West—dominant language Latin East—dominant language Greek East—dominant language Greek Decline in bilingualism after the fall of the western empire Decline in bilingualism after the fall of the western empire Linguistic disunity develops into cultural disunity Linguistic disunity develops into cultural disunity Different religious rites and liturgy developDifferent religious rites and liturgy develop Different approaches to Christian doctrine emergeDifferent approaches to Christian doctrine emerge
Papal Supremacy and the Nicene Creed Pope Leo IX claimed he held authority over the four eastern patriarchs. Pope Leo IX claimed he held authority over the four eastern patriarchs. The Pope in 1014 inserted the “Filioque clause” (the words “and the son” in regards to the procession of the Holy Spirit) into the Latin version of the Nicene Creed. (This was not allowed by the Roman church in the Greek version). Leo IX asserted the papacy’s right to do so. The Eastern Orthodox believed this to be a violation of the 7 th canon of the Council of Ephesus, and viewed this clause as a western innovation and heresy. The Pope in 1014 inserted the “Filioque clause” (the words “and the son” in regards to the procession of the Holy Spirit) into the Latin version of the Nicene Creed. (This was not allowed by the Roman church in the Greek version). Leo IX asserted the papacy’s right to do so. The Eastern Orthodox believed this to be a violation of the 7 th canon of the Council of Ephesus, and viewed this clause as a western innovation and heresy. The Eastern Orthodox today state that the 28 th Canon of the Council of Chalcedon established the equality of the Bishops of Rome and Constantinople, therefore, the Roman pontiff could not claim authority over Constantinople. The Eastern Orthodox today state that the 28 th Canon of the Council of Chalcedon established the equality of the Bishops of Rome and Constantinople, therefore, the Roman pontiff could not claim authority over Constantinople.
Iconoclast Controversy The Byzantine Emperor Leo III outlawed the veneration of icons in the 8 th century. Some believe this to be a result of the pressures of Islam. Those who were against the use of icons in the church were called “iconoclasts.” The first period of iconoclasm occurred from C.E. A second period of iconoclasm occurred from C.E. The Byzantine Emperor Leo III outlawed the veneration of icons in the 8 th century. Some believe this to be a result of the pressures of Islam. Those who were against the use of icons in the church were called “iconoclasts.” The first period of iconoclasm occurred from C.E. A second period of iconoclasm occurred from C.E. Arguments usually surrounded the understanding of how to depict the two natures of Jesus Christ in Christian theological teaching. “Iconodules” (supporters of the use of icons) believed that to disallow depicting Jesus artistically denied the incarnation. Arguments usually surrounded the understanding of how to depict the two natures of Jesus Christ in Christian theological teaching. “Iconodules” (supporters of the use of icons) believed that to disallow depicting Jesus artistically denied the incarnation. The western church rejected iconoclasm. However, icons, which are generally two dimensional works of art were generally not used. Instead, statues were allowed in the western church. The western church rejected iconoclasm. However, icons, which are generally two dimensional works of art were generally not used. Instead, statues were allowed in the western church.
Different Church/State Relations Caesaropapism in the east subordinated the church to the religious claims of the dominant political state. In the Byzantine Empire, the emperor had supreme authority over the church. Caesaropapism in the east subordinated the church to the religious claims of the dominant political state. In the Byzantine Empire, the emperor had supreme authority over the church. In the west the church was relatively independent of the state due to the fall of the western empire and a lack of imperial authority. Later, when strong kingdoms emerge in Western Europe, the investiture controversy surfaces creating church/state conflicts. In the west the church was relatively independent of the state due to the fall of the western empire and a lack of imperial authority. Later, when strong kingdoms emerge in Western Europe, the investiture controversy surfaces creating church/state conflicts.
Pope and patriarch excommunicate each other over religious doctrines and disputes over jurisdiction.Pope and patriarch excommunicate each other over religious doctrines and disputes over jurisdiction. Eastern and Western churches officially split in 1054.Eastern and Western churches officially split in West—Roman Catholic ChurchWest—Roman Catholic Church East—Orthodox ChurchEast—Orthodox Church
Byzantine Missionaries Convert the Slavs Byzantine Missionaries Convert the Slavs Eastern Orthodox missionaries seek to convert the northern peoples known as the Slavs.Eastern Orthodox missionaries seek to convert the northern peoples known as the Slavs. Missionaries create the Cyrillic alphabet—the basis for many Slavic languages.Missionaries create the Cyrillic alphabet—the basis for many Slavic languages. Alphabet enables many groups to read the Bible.Alphabet enables many groups to read the Bible.