Honors and CP Physics Balanced Science
Day 1 Balanced Science Discuss the velocity and acceleration of an object as it is thrown into the air and then returns to ground. 1.Each person submits a thought 2.Pick a leader for discussion 3.Pick a recorder to consolidate 4.Pick a reporter 5.Hand in all thoughts and final draft We Will use a “Think Pair Share” Group activity to complete this exercise.
Day 2: Scientific Method Practice: Writing an Introduction Write a prediction for the following problem: Is the acceleration due to gravity the same for all objects? This will be assessed on a 5-0 scale using the Introduction section of the Chariho Lab Report Rubric.
5 Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3.5 Nearly Meets Standard 3 Below Standard 2 Little Progress Toward Standard You have met standard and additionally included. You have... Introduct ion Weight = Score x 5 An extended explanation or discussion of content including examples. Written a clear purpose or problem statement Explained the purpose statement Discussed the content as it relates to the topic Connected the purpose to the content Used relevant vocabulary If applicable... Written an informed prediction Justified the prediction with prior knowledge Written a clear purpose statement Explained the purpose statement Discussed the content Used relevant vocabulary If applicable... Written an informed prediction Justified the prediction with prior knowledge Written a clear purpose statement Either explained the purpose s or discussed the content Used some relevant vocabulary If applicable... Written an informed predictions Either justified the prediction or discussed the content Written a clear purpose statement If applicable... Written a prediction Day 3: Scientific Method Practice: Feedback on Introduction
Day 4: Scientific Method Practice: Creating or Interpreting graphs Creating or Interpreting graphs Speeding-up to the left vs. Slowing down to the left
Data and Analysi s Weight = Score x 5 A detailed summary of all of the data A discussion of the trends that includes examples from the data Titled and labeled the tables, charts, and drawings Explained the tables/charts/or diagrams in a caption Included detailed and precise observations Summarized the data with detail Identified trends or patterns in the data If applicable... Included units and calculations for measurements Included graphs, with proper title/labels/units. Titled and labeled the tables, charts, and drawings Caption is incomplete or inaccurate Included detailed and precise observations Summarized the data with some detail Identified trends or patterns in the data If applicable... Included units and calculations for measurements Included graphs, with either title or labels missing Titled and labeled the tables, charts, and drawings Missed writing a caption for the data Included general observations Summarized the data with some detail Identified some trends or patterns in the data If applicable... Included calculations for measurements (not units) Included graphs, with either title or labels missing Missed some titles and labels on tables, charts and drawings Provided a general summary of data Identified incorrect trends or patterns in the data If applicable... Included incorrect calculations for measurements Included incorrect graphs, with either title or labels missing 5 Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3.5 Nearly Meets Standard 3 Below Standard 2 Little Progress Toward Standard Day 5: Scientific Method Practice: Data and Analysis Feedback Data and Analysis Feedback
Day 6: Scientific Writing – Critical Thinking How are vectors important to the discussion of mechanics? Use the Scientific Writing Rubric to Complete this task Using a Jigsaw Exercise -You will break into five groups and complete the tasks then bring them back to your table to construct one statement to complete the task 1 – Define the main concept 2 – List the supporting terms 3 – Find examples 4 – List connections 5 – List applications
4 Exceeds Standard 3 Meets Standard 2 Below Standard 1 Little Progress Toward Standard 0 -Explanation uses appropriate scientific vocabulary. -Explanation includes examples to explain the relationships within the content and application of that content. -The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the science of the task. No errors or omissions are present in the response. - Explanation uses appropriate scientific vocabulary. -Explanation includes examples to explain the relationships within the content. -The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the science of the task. The response may contain minor errors that do not detract from the demonstration of understanding. -Basic definition with some correct scientific vocabulary. -Answer connected to relevant content. -The student has provided a response that demonstrates a general understanding of the science of the task. -Answer attempted with basic definition -The student has provided a response that is only partially correct. No work submitted or incorrect answer. Day 7: Scientific Writing – Critical Thinking Feedback