doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 1 TVWS Coexistence Procedures and Protocols Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 2 Abstract In this slide set, we provide coexistence protocols and procedures
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide architecture Interface B1 –Information for coexistence from CE to CM (corresponding to information obtained from TVBD) –Command/request for coexistence, from CM to CE Interface B3 –Information and message needed for coexistence Interface A –Configuration/measurement/information response, from TVBD to CE –Commands and control information from CE to TVBD (corresponding to command and control information received from CM) CM CE Interface A TVBD Interface B1 CE TVBD CM Interface B3
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 4 Coexistence protocols and procedures Coexistence protocols –Coexistence peering –Coexistence measurement –Coexistence information –Coexistence command CM (Coexistence manager) services using interface B1 –Coexistence control Operating channel and maximum power –Coexistence security Illegal channel usage detection
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 5 Peering
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 6 Coexistence peering –This is used to set up a connection between a CE and a CM –A CE shall establish a connection in order to use coexistence services Coexistence Peer Open Coexistence Peer Confirm If status code of coexistence peer confirm is SUCCESS Connection is established CM CE
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 7 Coexistence peering Coexistence Peer Open –CE may send its registered location information Coexistence Peer Confirm –Upon receipt of coexistence peer open from CE, CM makes a decision whether or not to grant the request and respond with Coexistence Peer Confirm –Coexistence Peer Confirm shall include status code to indicate the success or failure of the peering operation –Coexistence Peer Confirm may include candidate CM identifier when the Coexistence Peer Open is denied
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 8 Measurement
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 9 Coexistence measurement –This is used by CM to obtain measurement results from CE –TVBD detection and primary user detection measurement type Coexistence Measurement Request Coexistence Measurement Report CM CE Measurement Coexistence Measurement Report
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 10 Coexistence measurement messages TVBD detection request –TVBD detection request shall include TV channel numbers for which the measurement applies Measurement schedule compose of measurement start time and measurement duration TVBD detection report –TVBD detection report shall include Actual measurement schedule TV channel numbers on which actual measurement performed Detected TVBD information compose of –Detected TVBD address, detected TVBD device type, CE identifier of detected TVBD and RCPI (Received Channel Power Indicator) –Autonomous measurement report
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 11 Information
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 12 Coexistence information –This is used by CE to obtain operating channel lists from CM –CE may provide available channel list obtained through direct access to the TVWS DB If status code of coexistence peer confirm is SUCCESS Connection is established Coexistence Information Request Coexistence Information Response Decision making CM CE
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 13 Coexistence information messages Coexistence information request –Coexistence information request shall include TVBD device type TVBD registered location Available Channel number and maximum transmit power set obtained from TVWS DB according to the FCC regulation Coexistence information response –Upon receipt of Coexistence information request the CM shall compute optimal operating channel set for requesting CE and respond with Coexistence information response –Coexistence information response shall include Channel number and maximum transmit power set the receiving CE may operate on
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 14 Coexistence information updates Updates –Request Updated TVBD registered location or available channel list received from TVWS DB –Unsolicited coexistence information response Due to newly established connections Based on measurement results Coexistence Information Request Coexistence Information Response Decision making TVWS DB channel list updated CM CE Decision making Coexistence Information Response Coexistence measurement done CM CE
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 15 Command
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 16 Coexistence command –This is used by CM to request deenblement of one or more TVBD network or device of CE –Deenablement command type Decision making CM CE Coexistence Command Request Deenablement Coexistence Command Response Coexistence measurement done
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 17 Coexistence command Deenablement command request –Deenablement command request shall include TVBD address to be deenabled Optionally deenablement command request may include channel numbers for which the deenablement applies Deenablement command response –Deenablement command response shall include status code to indicate the success or failure of the deenabling operation
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 18 Specific usage of deenablement command Security –High level security threats[1] Illegal channel usage –Operating channel selection of TVBDs on un-available channels causing harmful interference to incumbent users –Certification of devices may handle this problem Unauthorized modification of information –Modification of database information such as registration parameters of TVBDs Incorrect user/location information –Incorrect user identity/location information of incumbent users or TVBDs delivered to database – Corrupted information may also lead to illegal channel usage of TVBDs We need to provide a means of dealing this problem –Detect illegal channel usage –Deenable illegal TVBD
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 19 Specific usage of deenablement command Detection of illegal TVBD –Channel monitoring Policing TVBDs deployed especially for monitoring illegal channel usage TVBDs performing TVBD Detection measurements on a request or on its own –Channel list comparison Channel list obtained from direct access to database and channel list received from other TVBDs TVBD detection report –Measurement results of TVBD detection on unavailable TV channels Decision making –Decision making on the legality of channel usage by reported TVBD and whether or not to deenable it –Based on measurement reports and other information obtained from TVWS DB or CDIS Deenablement command request/response –Command deenablement of a TVBD device or network to the CE
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 20 References [1] Security Tutorial Material, sg-whitespace-09/0045r1
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 21 Backup slides
doc.: IEEE /0162r0 Submission November 2010 Jihyun Lee, LG ElectronicsSlide 22 Security example Incorrect location information –Incorrect GPS data due to GPS jammers or insufficient signal from satellites –Incorrect installation TVWS database TVBD GPS jammer Satellite Insufficient signal from satellites Jamming signal from GPS jammers Incorrect installation Registration of incorrect geo-location Incorrect channel list corresponding to the registered location