Wilder Research Homelessness in Minnesota
Wilder Research conducts a one-night statewide survey of homeless people every three years
The most recent study was conducted on October 23, 2015
The study counted throughout the state, down 9% from ,312 homeless people Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
HOMELESSNESS IN MINNESOTA One-night count Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
Children age 17 and younger with their parents Unaccompanied youth ages 24 and younger Adults Older adults ages % 16% 39% 9% HOMELESSNESS IN MINNESOTA BY AGE GROUP Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
The number of homeless families decreased 12% since 2012 Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
Still… 1/3 of the homeless population is made up of children with their parents. Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
The number of homeless older adults was up 8% Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
and the number in emergency shelters was up 21% since 2012 Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
5 reasons people are homeless
Homeless adults with full-time jobs 26% in 2000 vs. 6% in 2009 vs. 14% in 2015 Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey Lack of employment 1
Median length of time unemployed 7 months in 2000 vs. 16 months in 2009 vs. 23 months in 2015 Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey Lack of employment 1
There is not enough affordable housing 2 On wait list for subsidized housing Can’t get on a waiting list because it is closed Another 14% 46% of homeless adults Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
There is not enough affordable housing 2 Twin Cities metro incomes of homeless adults vs. housing costs Median income: $550 per month Median rent: $950 per month Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
Chronic health conditions of homeless adults Many homeless people face obstacles to maintaining housing 3 Serious mental illness Chronic physical health conditions Substance abuse disorder
3 left their last housing because of abuse 1 3 women Nearly in Many homeless people face obstacles to maintaining housing Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
Many homeless people face obstacles to maintaining housing 3 Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey Been in jail or prison Nearly 1 in 3 homeless adult women Nearly 2 in 3 homeless adult men
Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey 39% were physically abused as a child 47% witnessed abuse as a child Homeless adults Homelessness is often preceded by childhood trauma and abuse 4
4 25% were sexually abused as a child 33% had an out-of-home placement 37% lived with a parent or guardian with mental illness Homeless adults Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
Homelessness is often preceded by childhood trauma and abuse 4 61% have been in out-of-home placement 46% have been physically abused Homeless youth on their own Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
Homelessness is often preceded by childhood trauma and abuse 4 30% were sexually abused as a child 47% have had an incarcerated parent 48% lived with a parent or guardian with mental illness Homeless youth on their own Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
There are glaring and persistent racial disparities 5 American Indians make up 1% of adults in Minnesota 8% of adult homeless population Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
There are glaring and persistent racial disparities 5 African Americans make up 5% of adults in Minnesota 39% of adult homeless population Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
Children in families
Children experiencing homelessness often have health and development problems
their child had skipped a meal in the past month because they couldn’t afford food 9% of homeless parents said Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
they had a child with a physical health problem 12% of homeless parents said Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
their child had no dental care the previous year 16% of homeless parents said Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
they had a child with an emotional or behavioral problem 25% of homeless parents said Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
they had a child enrolled in a Head Start or other early childhood program 43% of homeless parents said Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
they had trouble finding regular childcare 40% of homeless parents said Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
their child attended school that day Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey 87% of homeless parents said
their child had to change school because of their housing situation Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey 38% of homeless parents said
they had a school-aged child with a learning problem Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey 46% of homeless parents said
their child had been a victim of bullying 34% of homeless parents said Wilder Research, 2015 Statewide Homeless Survey
Improvement among groups targeted for solutions: –Veterans –People experiencing long-term homelessness Newly allocated money in Minnesota for housing Solutions address systems, not just individuals Experiences of volunteer interviewers What gives us hope
Learn more at mnhomeless.org