Table 1. Culture Medias and their Composition Ingredients Amount (gm/L) Nutrient Agar pH 7.4± 0.2 at 25°C Lab-Lamco Powder 1.0 Yeast Extract 2.0 Peptone 5.0 Sodium Chloride Agar 15.0 Mannitol Salt Agar 10.0 Mannitol 75.0 Phenol Red 0.025 Muller Hinton Agar Meat Infusion 6.0 Casein Hydrolyte 17.5 Starch Agar No.1 1.510.0 Eosin methylene blue (EMB) pH7.1±o.2 at 25°C Pepton Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate 2.00 Lactose 5 Sucrose Eosin yellowish 0.4 Methylene blue 0.07 Agar-agar 13.5 Tryptone Water pH 7.3± 0.2 at 25°C Tryptone Zeba Gul Burki et al. Isolation and Characterization of Microbial Contamination from Computer Accessories used in Different Department of Hazara University and Diagnostic Laboratories of District Mansehra, Pakistan. American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 3, 112-124. doi:10.12691/ajidm-3-3-4 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.