Maria Stampino, Senior Associate Dean Leonard Clemons, Assistant Dean Marian Dahman, Director of Senior Advising Jan Williams-Eddleman, Director, Center for Freshman Advising Sara Ouimet, Undeclared Freshman Advising Dominic Castillejo, International Studies Advising Adriana Meade, Psychology & Neuroscience Advising Nicole Lavin, Psychology & Neuroscience Advising Frederica Higgs, General Advising Jahtm Flores, Manager, Biology Advising Charkivia Lovett, Biology Advising Suzanne Thomas-Hall, Transfer Advising
Agenda List of Important Dates The Mathematics Placement Grid Major and Minor Options Understanding the Degree Progress Report (DPR) BS Degree & BA Degree Sheets List of Building Abbreviations and Room Prefixes Advisor Meeting Times Sample Course Request Form Course Request Form Drop/Add Form Page of Links of UM Resources Counseling Center Information UM Academic Calendar Advisor Sign-up Sheet Class Schedule Worksheet Advising Notes 20 Reminders for Effective Advising Advising Workshop Evaluation
Cognates: Who, What, Why? A cognate is an approved set of at least 3 courses for at least 9 credits, related by a theme. Since fall 2015 every student (except Foote Fellows) must complete three cognates, one in A&H, one in P&S, one in STEM. – Every major and minor fulfils one cognate requirement See … – Designed cognates are found using the search engine See … – Students can do more cognates, which get listed on their transcript.
Cognate Administration Cognates are proposed by faculty, approved by their college/school, and approved by the University Curriculum Committee. Each cognate has a “Responsible Academic Unit” (RAU), typically that of the proposing faculty member. – Each RAU has a representative See … – Direct questions about a cognate to the RAU representative
Cognate Variants Courses that transfer in with specific UM course credit can be used for cognates. – Students may ask the RAU to use non-specific transfer credits Students may ask the RAU to substitute courses in a cognate Transfer students with 30+ credits can do one “individualized cognate” (IC), which allows flexible use of transfer credits. – Must be approved by the student’s college/school advising office
Cognate Rules A course may count for only one cognate. The three cognates must be from different RAUs No more than two cognates in the same college/school – Except the College of Arts and Sciences
Cognates and History Started …Fall 2013 or Spring 2014 Fall 2014 or Spring 2015Fall 2015 ⇢ Schoolies0-29 credits 30+ credits0-29 credits credits 60+ credits … doCognates Old AoKCognates … butCan do old AoK One ICNo cognates No ICs Transfers0-29 credits 30+ credits0-29 credits credits 60+ credits … doCognatesOld AoKCognates Old AoKCognates … butOne IC30+ = one IC Old students can upgrade bulletin to cognates Not vice versa
ALEKS ScoreRecommended Course < 40 MTH 099 ≥ 40 MTH 101MTH 101* ≥ 55 MTH 107 MTH 105 ≥ 60 or Math SAT or Math ACT or AP Calculus AB score = 3 MTH 113 ≥ 65 or Math SAT or Math ACT or AP Calculus AB score = 3 MTH 140 MTH 130 ≥ 76 or Math SAT ≥ 700 or Math ACT ≥ 31 or AP Calculus AB score = 4 MTH 151 MTH 161
UMX the “Ultimate University of Miami Experience” -added to all schedules. Online course No credits Graded
Check the # of credits student are in: not less than 12 or more than 17, the maximum.
If UM has not received the AP/IB scores for a course, tell the student to call either AP at or IB at for an official notification from AP or IB to be sent to UM. Admissions MUST have these scores this semester.
To transfer a course(s) from another institution – students may pick up a Transfer Equivalency Form in Ashe 112 or Ashe 200. Instructions are on the form.
Please check “ Review Shared Information” in CANELINK.
BIL 150 – BJ BIL INT1, INT2, OR INT3 CHM 111 – D CHM 113 – INT1, INT2, OR INT3 MTH 171 – C1 OR C2 BIL 113
BIL 150 BIL 153 – INT4, INT5, OR INT6 CHM 111 CHM 113 – INT4, INT5, OR INT6 MTH 108 OR HIGHER (Co-Req.) BIL 113 (Please note the lab numbers for BIL 153 and CHM 113 must match, i.e. BIL 153, INT 4 & CHM 113, INT 4.)
FNS 191 S: Caribbean- The Sea that Binds (Kathleen Sealey) FSS 191 Q: What Makes Us Human? (Martha Phelps)
When you meet your advisees: Are they in a course for their major?Are they in a course for their major? Check AP/IB, dual enrolled scores/credits Check AP/IB, dual enrolled scores/credits Did we put them in a class for which they already have credit? Did we put them in a class for which they already have credit? Recheck ALEKS mathematics placement. Recheck ALEKS mathematics placement. Check BA or BS requirements. Check BA or BS requirements. Remind them about the last day to add, Wednesday, 8/31. Remind them about the last day to add, Wednesday, 8/31. Explain last day to drop in semester is 9/7 without a “W” or 10/24 with a “W.”Explain last day to drop in semester is 9/7 without a “W” or 10/24 with a “W.”
Center for Freshman Advising 112 Ashe Building Phone: Fax: