# 1
Welcome to MT140 Introduction to Management Unit 1 Seminar – Introduction to Management
Introductions Please take a moment to introduce yourself, where you are listening (city and state) and something unique about yourself. # 3
Here is my family… # 4
MT140 Course Objectives During this term, we will: 1.Describe solutions to management problems 2.Recognize the four functions of management 3.Explain a process to manage technology decisions 4.Summarize the importance of social responsibility, and diversity in a business environment 5.Identify the ethical issues within business
# 6 My contact information- Just in case My contact information (AIM IM: KymberlyChavez Alternate Kaplan My phone number is (mobile). Unless you have Sprint, please call me after 6pm- it is free for me! I am in the Eastern time zone so please try not to call after 9pm since I have little ones. You can IM me ANYTIME though. Office hours Wednesdays 9pm-10pm and Sundays from 8pm-11pm. I am guaranteed to be there during these times.
Seminar Ground Rules Start with person’s name, or Prof, or Sam, if responding to someone’s comment. No name means response is to whole class. When you have a question, ASK it. You are welcome to respond, after the person asked has a chance to answer. When I ask to “move on”, end discussion on that topic. Please do not use “private chat” Slide 3
The Course Syllabus: Your Roadmap to The Course! Read it, Print it and Understand it! You will find our Syllabus in the Syllabus Area of our Course room, and in the Doc Sharing area of our course. I have also sent everyone an advance copy by . Print it out, as well as your readings in Doc Sharing Review the course requirements and expectations. Any questions, now is a good time to ask?
Your First Weekly Activity: Reading! This course uses a text: Management M Start Here by Bateman & Snell 1 st Edition ISBN: Your Reading this week: Chapter 1 pp in the Bateman & Snell textbook Always make your reading the first activity of the unit!
Any questions ?
Your Second Weekly Activity: Class Discussion! It Allows Us To: Learn from the many different perspectives represented Add experiential knowledge to our course material Ask questions Get help from instructor and classmates Exchange ideas Get feedback And they are fun!
Let’s Review: Discussions Opportunity to clarify Work with material Ask questions Get help from instructor and classmates Exchange ideas Get feedback And they are fun!
How to post up!
How To Do Well In Class Discussion: Post early: Your Initial Post must be made no later than Saturday, midnight EST. The earlier the better! Posts must be made on at least 3 different days. This is expected to be an on-going discussion! Respond to at least two classmates. Be sure your Initial Discussion Post is at least 100 words in length Check out the key terms at the end of each unit – try to incorporate them Use web based research where appropriate to make a point. If you use referenced material, this must be correctly cited. Be thoughtful, thorough, and substantive. The posts should address the Discussion questions or topics. Check frequently to see if anyone has asked questions Spell Check your posts ! Proper grammar and punctuation are required. Pay attention to the rubric in your syllabus
Any questions ?
Your Third Weekly Activity: Homework Assignments! Exercises may consist of answering questions in a text chapter, writing a paper, or completing some other assignment. Exercises are usually performed offline. Proof, proof, proof – grammar and spelling matter. Apply the concepts and language of the course Answer all the questions in terms of the key concepts of that unit Additional research may be used. Assignments are due by Tuesday Midnight EST. Is everyone clear on how to use the Dropbox? If something is confusing, please check with your professor.
Course Unit 1 page – click on Dropbox Slide 38
Click on basket dropdown menu Slide 39
Select the unit homework that you are submitting Slide 40
Assignment is selected Slide 41
Submission box – (your name goes in the blackout area) Slide 42
Screen to select file to be attached Slide 43
Screen to select, from your computer, your homework file for attaching to dropbox Highlight file Slide 44
File selected for uploading Slide 45
File will be attached when “OK” is clicked Slide 46
Add any comment and click the save and upload button Upload Slide 47
How to Do Well in Homework Assignments: You are encouraged to begin using APA APA style means that you are required to include: 1) A title page, 2) The paper itself, 3) A references page A title page contains three items: the paper's title, the date and the author's name. The last thing required is the references page. Sources should be alphabetized by the author's last name (or, for sources without authors, by the first letter in the title) and the second line of each source should be indented a half inch (the first line is not indented). If something is confusing, please check with your professor.
How To Do Well In Homework Assignments Page (Continued) Be sure your response adequately answers the assignment question (s). Be sure your Homework Assignment is well-written without spelling errors and using complete sentences. Be sure your assignment is submitted to the correct Dropbox as an attachment in MS Word (.doc) format. Be sure your file is named using the correct Kaplan file naming convention. (This will be covered in Unit 2).
Any questions ?
Your Fourth Required Weekly Activity: Reviews! Multiple choice quizzes Reviews are not timed Think the question through Retake the quizzes as necessary Press the “Submit for Grade” button when you are finished and ready for me to grade your Review If you have any technical problems, call the Help Desk immediately
Let’s Review: Grading Overview Gradebook Unit # Total Discussion Assignment/Project Review Quiz60 Total1000
Class Seminars! Fun and helpful Opportunity to ask questions Opportunity to interact with classmates You can review the recording if you are unable to attend Go to the KHE link as you did to enter this Seminar and choose “History.” Choose the date of the Seminar you would like to review and click on it. Seminar Participation is not graded but you are strongly encouraged to attend!
Any questions ?
What Managers Do: POLC P = Planning: The management function of systematically making decisions about goals and activities that an individual, a group, a work unit, or the overall organization will pursue. O = Organizing: The management function of assembling and coordinating human, financial, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals. L = Leading: The management function that involves the manager’s efforts to stimulate high performance by employees. C = Control: The management function of monitoring performance and making needed changes.
What is Business ? A commercial entity that engages in activities to earn a profit.
What is Profit? The positive gain from an investment or business operation after subtracting for all expenses.
What is Revenue? For a company, this is the total amount of money received by the company for goods sold or services provided during a certain time period. What are Expenses? Any cost of doing business resulting from revenue-generating activities.
Let’s Review for the Review… Ok- here they are!
Any questions ?
# 41 My contact information- Just in case My contact information (AIM IM: KymberlyChavez Alternate Kaplan My phone number is (mobile). Unless you have Sprint, please call me after 6pm- it is free for me! I am in the Eastern time zone so please try not to call after 9pm since I have little ones. You can IM me ANYTIME though. Office hours Wednesdays 9pm-10pm and Sundays from 8pm-11pm. I am guaranteed to be there during these times.
# 42 QUESTIONS???????????
# 43 Great work so far.. Please contact me if you need me… Will send you the link to review if you would like to re- live the moment! See you on the Discussion Board.
# 44 Parting Thoughts "I replaced the headlights in my car with strobe lights, so it looks like I'm the only one moving." "I had to stop driving my car for a while...the tires got dizzy." "I went to a general store. They wouldn't let me buy anything specifically." "Some people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths." "I went to the museum where they had all the heads and arms from the statues that are in all the other museums." Have a great week!