Ross Ferguson, eDemocracy Programme Director Hansard Society CoE, Strasbourg [April 23, 2007]
Digital Dialogues - Overview Independent review Hansard Society (independent, non- partisan political literacy charity) Commissioned by Department for Constitutional Affairs Began December
Digital Dialogues - Overview How might government use ICT to engage citizens in the policy process? Promote awareness of online engagement technology and techniques; Embed online engagement theory and skills in central government; Evaluate a series of case studies in order to benchmark administrator and user demographics, attitudes and behaviours.
Digital Dialogues – Case Studies PHASE 1 Department for Education and Skills online survey site; David Miliband MP ministerial blog [ODPM]; Department for Work and Pensions Welfare Reform forum; Department for Communities and Local Government forum; Department for Communities and Local Government webchats; Food Standards Agency forum. PHASE 2 Law Commission Forum - Planning Portal Forum - European Youth Parliament/FCO Forum - FSA Chief Scientist Blog - ONS Small Area Geography Policy Review Blog - Department for Transport Road Safety Webchat - Party Funding Review Forum - Party Funding Review Webchat - Family Courts Forum [general public] - Family Courts Forum [young people] - DCLG Forum - David Miliband ministerial blog [Defra] - Downing Street Webchats -
Digital Dialogues – Methods Attitudinal, behavioural and demographic data (managers and users) Process observation Some content analysis Site analytics Pre- and post-activity surveys Semi-structured interviews Media monitoring
Digital Dialogues – 5 User Trends 1.Political engagement [majority new participants to government policy process] 2.Participation rates [high spectator rate; fewer participants] 3.Knowledge and skills [political literacy fragmented] 4.Perceptions of community [connections between users weak] 5.Perceptions of moderators [users want more deliberative input from policy officials]
Ross Ferguson, eDemocracy Programme Director Hansard Society