Implementation of New PACS system For Regional Health Hospital Brought to you by: Jackie Hensel RT(R)- PACS Administrator
Importance of the Upgrade Effect people Radiology Personnel Radiologists Technologists Film Librarians Other Hospital Staff Surgeons Hospitalists ER Physicians IT Staff Positives of current system Staff is acclimated Simple to use Negatives of current system Unable to handle work load Unavailable options to allow for simple workflow
PACS Project Team Head Radiologist Radiology Department Manager Lead Technologists from each modality Hospital CEO Hospital CFO Lead IT Support IT Manager RIS Application Specialist HIS Application Specialist Orthopedic Surgeon Hospitalist ER Physician Myself
Return on Investment CostSavingsROI Year 1 $1,500,000$425,000($1,075,000) Hardware/Software$600,000 Interface$250,000 Equipment$100,000 Training$175,000 Maintenance$50,000 Renovations$250,000 Service Contract (annual)$75,000 Year 2 $75,000$775,000($300,000) Year 3 $75,000$1,274,925$199,925 Year 4 $75,000$1,625,000$550,000
Request for Proposal Regional Health Hospital 400 bed Medium-large in size Inpatient Outpatient Radiology Department CR DR Film-Screen Mammography How can this transition help our current situation?
Site Visit Amytime Hospital Evaluation of Workflow Support Personnel 24/7 helpdesk Exposure to System Who they have worked with Opinions on value of Service Amount of downtime compared Was their upgrade successful
Training for System Who will need trained? Everyone How long will the training be? Ongoing Radiologist a full day of one on one Lead techs a full day of group training to become super users IT 3 hour meeting Other non-essential personnel Online assessment training
References Branstetter, B.F., Rubin, D.L., Griffin, S., & Weiss, D.L. (Eds.). (2009). Practical Imaging Informatics (pp ). New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. Fang, Y. C., Yang, M. C., & Hsueh, Y. S. (2006). Financial assessment of a picture archiving and communication system implemented all at once. Journal of digital imaging, 19(1), Goldszal, A. F., Bleshman, M. H., & Bryan, R. N. (2004). Financing a large-scale picture archival and communication system 1. Academic radiology, 11(1), Modrák, M., & Modrák, V. (2013). The Effect of a PACS on Patient Radiation Doses and Operating Costs in a Radiology Department: A Practical Study.Procedia Technology, 9, Nagy, P., Siegel, E., Hanson, T., Kreiner, L., Johnson, K., & Reiner, B. (2003, July). PACS reading room design. In Seminars in roentgenology (Vol. 38, No. 3, pp ). WB Saunders. Siegel, E. L., & Reiner, B. (2003). Work flow redesign: the key to success when using PACS. Journal of digital imaging, 16(1),