ANSWERS What we covered in class 1
Objectives 2 Use to prepare for the mid-term exam Share and discuss the solutions to the questions Remember the mid-term has two parts (I and II) Part I: Multiple choice questions and circle all right answers Part II: Short essay type questions
Answers for Week 1 Questions: 1. Located in South West of Africa 2. About 13 half brothers and sisters 3. Jabari Tangi Muzamai Kalundu 4. The Caprivi region 5. Bukalo Village 6. Windhoek 7. Leon von Caprivi-German Chancellor 8. Angola = North, Zambia and Zimbabwe in the North East, Botswana in the East and South Africa in the South 9. about Mainly mixed subsistence farming 3
Answers to Week 1 C 4 1. Agricultural development can defined as increasing agricultural productivity in developing countries, this can be done through technology advancement, introducing new crop varieties, agricultural infrastructure access and market access for rural farmers. 2. Agriculture plays the following roles: Increase the supply of food for domestic consumption Release labor for industrial employment Enlarge the size of the market for industrial output Increase the supply of domestic savings Earn foreign exchange countries 4. 5 regions (Northern, Eastern, Western, Central and Southern regions) and 54 countries (repeated question) 5. The following countries Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali, Niger, and Senegal. 6. The following: Egypt, Ghana and Mauritania 7. The challenges includes: lack of proper macroeconomic and agricultural policies to stimulate agricultural growth and national economy Political stability Public investment in research and rural infrastructures Lack of well-trained individuals and strong organizations to carryout research and provide services to farmers Farmer’s representative groups are inefficient and ineffective to address farmer’s challenges and issues Lack of extension services 8. CAADP stands for Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program
Answers to week 2 Questions 1. Slide 4 = 2, Slide 4 = Nigeria 3. Slide 4 = 3, Slide 4 = Arabic 5. Slide 5 = 17% 6. Slide 5 = 180 million people 7. Slide 6 = 73 % 8. Slide 6 = 50% 9. Slide 9 = income, agricultural favorability and mining 10. Slide 9 = L1, L2, L3 11. Slide 18 = 8 or more 12. Slide 20 = SADC, COMESA, SACU 13. Slide 20 = Yes 14. Slide 19 = see a list 15. Slide 23 = about 15 farming systems 16. Slide 24 = Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique 5
Week 3: Answers can be found on the following pages: 1. Slide 8 2. Slide 3 3. Slide 5 4. slide 5 5. Slide Slide 6 7. Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide 20 – Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide 40 6
Week 4: Answers can be found on the following slides: 1. General: continent with lots of challenges spanning from hunger, poverty, diseases, high unemployment rate, political instabilities, Low economic growth, major budgetary constraints and a continent with lots of potential s 3. Structural Adjustment Program =SAP 4. Redesigning country policies and formulating new agendas for agriculture 5. It focus on the production of cash crops, mainly to generate income to pay debts, than production of food crops 6. See HDI report 7. Storage and transport 8. Commercial and communal (smallholder) farming sector 9. Veterinary services were privatized making it expensive for smallholder farmers to afford treatment for their animals 10. Top producers are 5, but there are more than 10 countries producing oil in Africa 11. Ivory coast produces cocoa and Kenya produces coffee and tea 12. More extension services to rural farmer, educating farmers on the right crops to grow and improve their current technologies. 7