Central Fleet Open House Vehicle Procurement Process 1
Process Overview SBOP issues Vehicle Procurement Memorandum Agencies submit vehicle requests SBOP issues Request for Bid SBOP reviews/analyzes agency vehicle requests DOA submits recommendations to Governor’s Office Governor’s Office issues approval via Case Letter and SBOP notifies agencies Agencies begin creating purchase requisitions For PeopleSoft agencies only, vehicle requisitions routed to SBOP Vehicle Procurement Manager for approval For everyone, purchase orders are not sent directly to vendor; submitted to DOA Central Fleet for review before being sent 2
Vehicle Procurement Memorandum (VPM) Sent to all fleet managers/coordinators in advance of a RFB for vehicles Provides instructions for requesting vehicles Replacement Criteria Additional Vehicle Justification Outlines process for handling other vehicle related transactions: Accepting donated vehicles Conducting Interagency sales Requesting emergency replacements 3
RFBs for Vehicles Two vehicle procurements each year Passenger/Light Duty/Law Enforcement Includes vehicles in Classes 1 – 4 Sedans, small SUVs, ½ ton pickup trucks, large SUVs, 1 ton and larger pickup trucks and vans Medium/Heavy Duty Trucks Includes vehicles in Classes 5 – 8 Heavy duty trucks and busses Replacement criteria based on vehicle class size 4
Replacement Criteria Vehicles meeting the established criteria are eligible for replacement Any requests for deviation will be evaluated and approved/denied by SBOP on a case-by-case basis Vehicles under 6,000 GVW (Class 1 – Typical vehicles are all sedans and small SUV) 4 cylinder – 100,000 miles or 8 years Hybrid – 100,000 miles or 10 years 6 & 8 cylinder - 100,000 miles or 10 years Vehicles 6,001 to 10,000 GVW (Class 2 – Typical vehicles are ½ ton pickup trucks and large SUV) Gas – 120,000 miles or 10 years Diesel – 140,000 miles or 10 years 5
Replacement Criteria Vehicles 10,001 to 16,000 GVW (Class 3-4 – Typical vehicles are 1 ton & larger pickup trucks and vans) Gas – 120,000 miles or 10 years Diesel – 140,000 miles or 12 years Vehicles 16,001 to 26,000 GVW (Class 5 – 6) Gas – 120,000 miles or 10 years Diesel – 140,000 miles or 12 years Vehicles 26,001 to over 33,001 GVW (Class 7 – 8) Diesel – 200,000 miles or 12 years 6
Additional Vehicles Need for additional vehicles resulting from newly passed legislation, program expansion, receipt of donated vehicle Must demonstrate how cost savings will be generated by adding an additional vehicle to the fleet Typical cost savings shown through reduced mileage reimbursements, eliminated vehicle lease/rentals, etc. 7
Additional Justification Agencies must be able to answer the following: Why the vehicle is needed How many miles it will be driven in a month If there was any legislation passed expanding scope of the program or an increase in staff travel Risk to the agency mission due to lack of vehicles Fleet utilization (turn down slips, utilization rate) Current costs related to: Annual lease agreement with outside vendor Reimbursement of miles for staff using personal vehicles 8
Donated Vehicles Requests to accept donated vehicles must be sent to SBOP Vehicle Procurement Manager SBOP Director granted authority to approve donated vehicles on behalf of State through Case Letter Donated vehicles do not automatically become part of your agency fleet If agency wants vehicle to become permanent addition, need to follow process for requesting additional vehicle 9
Interagency Sales Any agency may replace, at any time, a vehicle which will not meet the replacement criteria with a comparable size surplus vehicle from another agency Inter-Agency Used Vehicle Sales Report (DOA- 3736) Selling agency initiates and buying agency completes within 15 days of receipt of vehicle Buying agency forwards the Certificate of Title to DOA Central Fleet upon receipt from DOT 10
Emergency Replacements Emergency situations occur when: Vehicle is damaged beyond economical repair (exceeds 50% of the value) Is no longer road worthy or safe to operate Agency must submit two repair estimates and photos if available SBOP Director authorized to approve emergency replacements Up to 40 per year for Passenger/Light Duty/Law Enforcement Up to 5 per year for Medium/heavy duty trucks and busses 11
Resources Agency Fleet Manager/Coordinator SBOP Vehicle Procurement Manager Rick House, SBOP Enterprise Sourcing Section Chief Cheryl Edgington,
Questions? 13