Science Camp 2016 Information Night Murrieta Elementary
Dates Depart September 28th 10:00am Be at school on time at 8:35am Arrive September 30th 2:00pm Luggage will be in the MPR, students can be picked up from their classrooms.
Transportation Busses for the 5 th grade students and teachers only. Two busses only. Parent Chaperones will be driving themselves and their child to and from camp. Parent Chaperones will be taking all luggage in their cars.
Cost Student - $ Check - made payable Murrieta PTC Cash – must get a receipt from the office Money is due by September 26th. Funds will be available for those who cannot afford it. Please fill out the financial hardship sheet indicating your need. Sheets are available from your child’s homeroom teacher or at the front desk of the school office.
Cost (cont.) Students will be able to buy Pathfinder Ranch T-shirts $12.00 cash only T-shirt envelope will be provided Give the money and shirt size to your homeroom teacher Wed. morning, September 28th. Teachers will purchase your shirts and hand them out at camp.
Permission Slips Multi-colored stapled sheets must be returned by Friday, September 2nd. Hard Date – No exceptions o District Permission Slip (Peach) o Pathfinder Ranch Permission Slip (Green) o Medication sheet - Optional (Green) o Behavioral Contract (Yellow) o Packing List (Blue) Yours to Keep
Daily Schedule 6:45 Wake Up 7:00 Breakfast 7:30 Get ready to go into the field 8:00 Class 1 10:00 Class 2 12:00 Lunch 12:45 Free Time 1:30 Class 3 3:15 Class 4 5:00 Dinner 6:00 Free Time 7:30 Evening Program 9:00 Back to Cabins 9:30 Lights Out
Packing List One Sleeping Bag and Pillow One Suitcase Pack for all types of weather Digital cameras OK, no cell phones Water bottle, canteen or water backpack No electronic devices of any kind Sack lunch (No Tupperware) for Wednesday Water Donations, 2 cases per class
Chaperones Chaperones will be determined once student count is final. In order to be placed in the chaperone lottery, all prospective chaperones must fill out a chaperone consideration sheet. The sheets are available from your child’s homeroom teacher. This chaperone consideration sheet is due to your child’s homeroom teacher Friday, September 2nd. No late sheets will be considered. The chaperone lottery will be held the week of September 5th. Notification letters will be sent home to all chaperones.
Chaperones (cont.) Separate chaperone meeting to pick-up paperwork. (Date to be determined) Chaperones will be required to be fingerprinted and have a recent TB test. Fingerprinting must be done by the district. At the chaperone meeting, fingerprinting will be done by the district. All chaperones will need to have their fingerprinting completed and money paid in full that night. o Chaperone cost $ o Fingerprinting $64.00 o TB Testing $30.00 o TOTAL $
MES Website If you need additional student paperwork, please print another copy from Murrieta Elementary School website. Please access Murrieta Elementary school front webpage. On the right side of the page, find the link titled “5th Grade”. Under this link, you will find all of the science paperwork and a website link to Pathfinder Ranch.