Checks and Balances in the U.S government Courtney Green, Krystal Doh, Sonia Hossain
This branch writes the bills (laws). The legislative branch is separated into two parts- the House of Representatives and the Senate. When the two parts meet together, they are called the Congress; the highest legislative group. A bill is written by a member of either part of the branch. If the majority (majority party) of the Congress votes to approve the bill, then the bill will be passed on to the executive branch. If the majority (majority party) of the Congress votes to disapprove the bill, then the bill will be discarded. If the president vetoes a bill, it will be sent back to the Congress, and if 2/3 of the Congress approves the bill, it will be passed. The Congress has the power to make laws, approve the annual budget, confirm presidential appointments, raise revenues through taxes, regulate interstate and foreign trade, and declare war.
There are 100 senators (equality- two per state), who serve for six years, in the Senate. Members of the Senate must be 30 years of age and have had to been U.S. citizens for nine years, and must be residents of the state they represent. The vice president of the United States serves and the president of the Senate and rules out a tie in the Senate. The Senate has the power to confirm those of the president’s appointments that require consent, and to ratify treaties.
There are 435 representatives (based on population), who serve for two years, in the House of Representatives. Members of the House must be 25 years of age and have had to been U.S. citizens for seven years, and be a resident of the state they represent. The Speaker of the House is third in line to be president. The House of Representatives has the power to initiate revenue bills, impeach federal officials, and elect the President in case of an Electoral College tie.
In a world without a legislative branch, life would not be the same. If there was no legislative branch since the very foundation, everything would be in pandemonium. Kids could drive, people could smoke marijuana, and also people could vandalize someone’s property, and get away with it. There would be no annual budget, and many would get injured because people could beat other people, and anyone could bear arms. There categorically would be no need for the judicial branch to make sure the laws (that are not made) are constitutional.
And how would we be capable to assert war? What would we do then? Who would legalize trading through the states and countries? The government would lose their money and no one would pay taxes. And if the president was truly a drug dealer or did something illegal, the branch could not contradict him/her (after he/she is elected president by the people). Life Without the Legislative Branch Part ||
But if in the contemporaneous and the legislative branch just broke down, life would not be as corrupt as if it was from the beginning, but still it would be debauched. There would laws, but no one could adjust them. The annual budget could not be rehabilitated, and we still would not be able to pronounce war. The taxing amount could not be altered, the next president could not be shorn of presidency, and the trade amongst states and countries could go crazy, and no one could help it. So now, since the significances of not having a legislative branch are exposed, we see why we should venerate our windfall of having such a prodigious government. Life Without the Legislative Branch Part |||
In Iran (June , 2009) people protested in Iran trying to decide who should be president. The former president that had been in chair for 4 years was running against the former prime minister. People protested by lighting cars on fire, bombarding the streets, painting their bodies, and making t-shirts, signs, and banners of the president.
This event could happen in our country because we have the Right of Petition. We could protest until we reached the limit of this right- till we get violent or hurt others, while we protest. If we did get violent we could be set down by the law. Should the people start to beat government officers, they would be crossing the line, and could be arrested. Although, if the people petitioned in a peaceful way, we would be able to do so as we wish and also might be able to change the government.
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