Video Chart Summary
Bach was born in 1685 and died in 1750 Video takes place in 1717
Germany (1717) The Duke’s Court/Castle Bach’s home Church The Red Palace
Bach Frederick Frederick’s dad (Joseph) Duke Wilhelm Prince Leopold Duke’s Nephew (Prince August) Concert Master Cookoo (the dog)
Bach wants to play/write his own music/The Duke won’t let him Frederick wants to be a stone mason/He is a servant to the Duke Bach performs a concert at the Red Palace without the Duke’s permission Bach can’t quit his job because he has to support his family
Bach gets offered a job as a orchestral director Bach gets put in jail and Frederick is given a new job Fredericks father won’t stand up to the Duke Frederick’s father stands up to the Duke for Bach/Frederick
Bach is able to take his new job Frederick is able to become a stone mason if he wants Fredericks dad realizes he needs to accept his son for who he is
No matter what people tried to do to Bach he continued to write/play his music in his own way It’s Bach’s music that makes him free
Overture #3 in D Major II Air (Section A) Section A 12 Bars 1 st Ending 2 nd Ending Melody 2
Overture #3 in D Major II Air (Section B1) Section B 24 Bars Melody 1 Melody 2
Overture #3 in D Major II Air (Section B2) Repeat Sign Repeat Sign Melody 2 Melody 1
4 Orchestral Suites AB Form 2 Different Melodies String Family Slow Tempo 36 Bars Long