5/24/ Small Feature Reproducibility Educational Activities N. Cheung, D. Dornfeld, D. Graves, M. Lieberman, C. Spanos SFR Workshop May 24, 2001 Berkeley, CA 2001 GOALS: Second offering of cross listed smart lab course; Organize fall and spring workshops for project participants.
5/24/ Achievements in Education More than 100 additional students a year get exposed to IC technologies. More than 20 SFR graduate students now work for SFR companies. ~30 graduate students, 14 Professors, 5 UC campuses supported. –New teaching lab operational, course started in Spring –Teaching lab offered as UC Extension short course, June, –EE143 lab has been completely refurbished, ~55 students enrolled (up almost 60% since before SFR). –Biweekly teleconferencing seminars continue with technical talks this semester. –CMP Modeling Roadmap session at VMIC-CMP conference in Santa Clara March 9th 2001; Established CMP modeling roadmap activity. –New freshman seminars added with semiconductor emphasis. –First industrial short course planned for this summer.
5/24/ new PC’s added in laboratory Statistical analysis of experimental data (JMP) Simulation of chemical vapor deposition reactor (FLUENT) Vacuum system simulation: pumpdown, conductances, pumping speed Optical emission spectroscopy, quadrupole mass spectrometry and Langmuir probe added to plasma and vacuum systems labs. SMART Equipment Lab Update
5/24/ EE 143 Enrollment Statistics ~35 Fall in Fall in Spring 2001 We will further enhance the training laboratory. We will disseminate course modules to other schools.
5/24/ Enrollment in Semiconductor Manufacturing Courses at Berkeley: ~ 100 more students a year get exposed to IC technologies! EE 143 SMART Lab Start of SFR Project
5/24/ One freshman seminar offered fall 2000 (ChE, UCB) and two in spring 2001 (EECS and ChE, UCB). Seminars emphasize semiconductor industry and semiconductor processes. ~10 such seminars will be deployed by fall 2001 / spring 2002, reaching ~150 students across 4 campuses. Freshman Seminars
5/24/ Example of Freshman Seminar TV with cover off - PC/disk drive - Laser printer - Silicon run - Moore’s law - Liquid crystal - Cell phones - MEMS - IC design / fabrication sequence - super clean manufacturing… etc.
5/24/ Internships at Participating Companies At least five summer undergraduate positions each year, starting in Summer 2001 Student applications late in Fall Semester –Advertise among 300+ students taking semiconductor manufacturing courses Identify positions by end of January Select and fill positions by end of March Company Mentors and UC PIs coordinate exchange Coordinate with EECS BS/MS Internship Program We are always open to receive applications / job descriptions!
5/24/ Education Goals Freshman seminar program at all SFR campusesFreshman seminar program at all SFR campuses –One seminar per faculty member per year - >10 seminars/yr –15 freshmen per seminar –Related to semiconductor manufacturing and the Department discipline UC Extension summer offering of Equipment LabUC Extension summer offering of Equipment Lab –First offering in Summer 2001 Undergraduate internships at participating companiesUndergraduate internships at participating companies –At least five positions, starting Summer 2001 Seminar series with industrial speakersSeminar series with industrial speakers –Biweekly, with emphasis on business and technology