Quantorreyan Hampton
State Flag The Flag of the State of Arkansas is a red field charged with a large blue-bordered white diamond. Twenty-nine five-pointed stars appear on the flag: twenty-five small white stars within the blue border, and four larger blue stars in the white diamond. The inscription "ARKANSAS" appears in blue within the white diamond, with one star above and three stars below. The star above and the two outer stars below point upwards; the inner star below points downwards.FlagState of Arkansaschargedfive-pointed stars
State Motto State Nickname Arkansas, officially "The Natural State", is a state of mountains, valleys, dense woodland and fertile plains. Its clear lakes and streams and abundant wildlife help to make tourism one of the state's most important industries. The People Rule
State Song Arkansas (You Run Deep in Me) Written by Wayland Holyfield October morning in the Ozark Mountains, Hills ablazing like that sun in the sky. I fell in love there and the fire's still burning A flame that never will die. Chorus Oh, I may wander, but when I do I will never be far from you. You're in my blood and I know you'll always be. Arkansas, you run deep in me. Moonlight dancing on a delta levee, To a band of frogs and whippoorwill I lost my heart there one July evening And it's still there, I can tell. Repeat Chorus Magnolia blooming, Mama smiling, Mallards sailing on a December wind. God bless the memories I keep recalling Like an old familiar friend. Repeat Chorus And there's a river rambling through the fields and valleys, Smooth and steady as she makes her way south, A lot like the people whose name she carries. She goes strong and she goes proud. Repeat Chorus
State Outline Elevations in the state range from 54 feet above sea level in the far southeast corner to 2,753 feet above at Mount Magazine, the state's highest point. North Little Rock offers one of the nation's largest municipal parks. The community of Mountain View is called the Folk Capital of America. The little town preserves the pioneer way of life and puts it on display for visitors at the Ozark Folk Center State Park from March through October. The road to the White House for President Bill Clinton began in Hope, then led to Hot Springs, Fayetteville, and Little Rock.
State Landmarks Old State House Old Sta te Ho use, Old Sta te Ho use, Gre ek Rev ival stru ctu re tha t ser ved as firs t stat e cap itol, foc al poi nt of Bro oks - Bax ter Wa r, hea dqu art ers for earl y twe nti eth - cen tur y mal aria era dic ati on effo rts, and site of Bill Cli nto n's acc ept anc e of and pre sid ent ial vict ori es. NH L desi gna ted 12/0 9/9 7. Old State House,Old State House, 1836 Greek Revival structure that served as first state capitol, focal point of Brooks-Baxter War, headquarters for early twentieth-century malaria eradication efforts, and site of Bill Clinton's acceptance of 1992 and 1996 presidential victories. NHL designated 12/09/97.
Mike Beebe
Little Rock Little Rock is the capital and the largest city of the U.S. state of Arkansas. The Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) had a population of 685,488 people, according to 2009 census estimates. The MSA is in turn included in the Little Rock–North Little Rock–Pine Bluff, Arkansas Combined Statistical Area, which had a population of 862,488 in the 2009 census estimates, making it the 47th largest combined statistical area in America. As of 2009, according to the US census, Little Rock had a population of 191,930, making it the 119th largest city in America. [1] It is the county seat of Pulaski CountycapitalU.S. stateArkansas Metropolitan Statistical AreaCombined Statistical Area [1]Pulaski County
Major Industries and Exports
Arkansas Universities