Early cinema 1890s s Edison’s Kinetoscope Lumières Late 1890s Méliès makes first films Melies’s Trip to the Moon experiments with narrative By about narrative system established
Some popular types of early films Actualities, Travel logs Stories based upon current events Blue Movies & Pornography for Peep shows Trick films Gag or physical humor films
Méliès - Interested in appearance and disappearance - The ability of cinema to make things visible/invisible - Used camera like a magic trick -Films play with presence and absence -Also, thematize technology and machine- produce images
Méliès - Subversion of natural order of things, materiality, -Upsets hierarchies of nature, physics, gender, class -Irreverent stance towards science -Mocks/quotes travel logs, actualities
Méliès vs the Lumières The magician The documenters Fantasy/ Sci-FiRealism Mise-en-scene Photographic base TrickeryRecording life special fx Creative Purely manipulationobservational -deforming the real-respect for the real
The Shot
Diegesis = the total world of the film’s story
Diegetic vs. Non-Diegetic
On-Screen Space and Off-Screen Space
Méliès vs. The Lumière Bros.
AUTARKY or UNICITY of the frame
Non-Centered Quality of the Image
Camera Distance (almost always a medium-long shot)
Non-closure and a Fundamental Non-linearity