ERC-Starting Grant RESHAPE Restoring the Self with Embodiable Hand ProsthesEs Giovanni Di Pino Neurofisiologia e Neuroingegneria dell’Interazione Uomo-Tecnologia
Medicina dell’Interazione Uomo- Tecnologia Visual cortex stimulation Cochlear prosthesis Motor cortex recording Heart pacemaker Vagal stimulator Sacral root stimulation: bladder, bowel control SC stimulation: pain relief FES of paralysed muscles Nerve recording for sensory feedback Myoelectric recording to control artificial hand Basal ganglia stimulator Diaphragm pace stimulator >400,000 /yr >2,000 >16,000 >100,000 >2,000 >2,500 >20,000 >5,000 Limb amputation >400,000 Nerve injuries >300,000/yr
Tool refinement increasing knowledge
Dexterous Hands Prostheses as foreign tools Cosmetic Prostheses
before after Intraneural Interfaces before after
Somatoparaphrenia The dog controls his left posterior limb but does not recognize it as his own Alien limb : lesion (stroke) of the temporo-parietal junction of the right hemisphere
Before Tool use After tool use
REstoring the Self with embodiable HAnd ProsthesEs
SO 2. Investigate the neural correlates of prosthesis embodiment and its impact on phantom limb pain. SO 1. Investigate the “pro- embodiment features” and their impact on prosthesis sensorimotor performance. SO 3. Test the possibility to enhance the embodiment with non-invasive brain stimulation. Confirm that the processes of fake limb embodiment in healthy are the same of prosthesis in amputees Investigate the influence of prosthesis embodiment in amputees’ aberrant plasticity Investigate the influence of prosthesis embodiment in amputees’ phantom limb pain Weigh the advantage, in terms of prosthesis embodiment, given by peripheral neural interfaces Establish the optimal arrangement of motor and sensory channels for a proficient embodiment Establish the optimal arrangement for doFs and doMs, integrated sensors and anthropomorphic features (size, shape, glove) for a proficient embodiment study how the different levels of embodiment impact on the manipulative ability Investigating the effectiveness of a novel robot-aided TMS delivered during the accomplishment of active tasks Define the brain area that should be targeted and the most effective paradigm of neuromodulation to burst the prosthesis embodiment IO 1A. Induce and evaluate prosthesis embodiment IO 1A. Induce and evaluate prosthesis embodiment IO 1B. Measure prosthesis- user sensorimotor performance IO 1B. Measure prosthesis- user sensorimotor performance IO 2. Evaluation of the functional topography of brain activation during the active control of the prosthesis (by means of fMRI) IO 2. Evaluation of the functional topography of brain activation during the active control of the prosthesis (by means of fMRI) IO 3. Neuromodulate during the accomplishment of active task with the prosthesis (by means of rTMS) IO 3. Neuromodulate during the accomplishment of active task with the prosthesis (by means of rTMS) ET 1A. Embodiment Platform ET 1B. Sensory and Manipulation Platform ET 2. Virtual Prosthetic Hand Environment ET 2. Virtual Prosthetic Hand Environment ET 3. Robot-aided TMS Platform Specific Objectives (SO) In particular… Intermediate Objectives (IO) Enabling Tech. (ET) SQ 2. Which are the neural processes of prosthesis embodiment? SQ 2. Which are the neural processes of prosthesis embodiment? SQ 1. Which are the features of a hand prosthesis that facilitate its embodiment? SQ 1. Which are the features of a hand prosthesis that facilitate its embodiment? SQ 3. Can the embodiment process be positively- modulated by external interventions? SQ 3. Can the embodiment process be positively- modulated by external interventions? Scientific Questions (SQ)