MR. ENCISO MATH 8 ROOM B106 School phone #: School phone #: Mr. Enciso’s Websitehttp:// Citrus Hills Intermediate School Website
REMIND I will Remind to update families and students on upcoming assignments/events. Please type the number and text the If a message doesn’t make sense or you have any questions please do not hesitate to me.
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Be in his/her seat when the bell rings. A tardy will result otherwise. Stay in his/her assigned seat when the bell rings. Bring necessary materials to class everyday. Respect his/her peers, classroom environment, teachers, and himself/herself. Enjoy ALL food and drinks in appropriate eating areas. The classroom is not one of these areas. Depending on the severity and frequency, consequences include but are not limited to phone calls home, lunch detention, after-school detention, Saturday School, lunch ACP, all-day ACP, suspension, expulsion.
CLASSROOM MATERIALS 2” Binder—We will use this throughout the school year to organize and then create a portfolio 2 nd semester. 5 subject dividers 1-2 single subject spiral notebooks (at least 70 pages) EACH SEMESTER. Pencils (lead for mechanical pencils) Pens Colored pencils Colored pencils Tape and/or gluestick Tape and/or gluestick Ruler Ruler Extra notebook paper Extra notebook paper Calculator Calculator
GRADING SCALE 1 st and 2 nd Semester Notebook10% of total grade Classwork/ homework 25% of total grade Quizzes30% of total grade Tests35% of total grade The grading scale for homework, reviews, and assessments is as follows: %A 80-89%B 70-79%C 60-69%D 59% and belowF
HOMEWORK POLICY Homework will be given 3-4 times per week. Homework will be given 3-4 times per week. I will grade the homework based on how much was complete on a 5-point scale. I will grade the homework based on how much was complete on a 5-point scale. All homework will be due in a packet the day of the test. After the test homework will not be turned in for any credit if missing. All homework will be due in a packet the day of the test. After the test homework will not be turned in for any credit if missing. Quizzes and tests will be based off the homework. Quizzes and tests will be based off the homework. 5 – All work is complete with work shown. 3 – More than ½ the work is complete. 0 – Less than ½ the work is complete or the work is not done in their spiral notebook.
QUIZZES Quizzes will be given once a week on Fridays. Quizzes will be given once a week on Fridays. Quiz scores can be improved by redoing incorrect problems and explaining the process. There will be a due date for quiz corrections. After this date has passed the quiz can no longer be corrected. Quiz scores can be improved by redoing incorrect problems and explaining the process. There will be a due date for quiz corrections. After this date has passed the quiz can no longer be corrected.
TESTS Tests will be given after we finish a unit. Tests will be given after we finish a unit. Tests will cover the material from homework and quizzes. Tests will cover the material from homework and quizzes. All test scores are final. TESTS CANNOT BE CORRECTED TO IMPROVE THE GRADE EARNED. All test scores are final. TESTS CANNOT BE CORRECTED TO IMPROVE THE GRADE EARNED.
KHAN ACADEMY I am asking every student to create an account on Khan Academy. I am asking every student to create an account on Khan Academy. Go to Go to Create an account for your child. Create an account for your child. Any questions please let me know. Any questions please let me know. After you have set up an account please give me the user name and password. After you have set up an account please give me the user name and password. Khan Academy will count as test scores. Khan Academy will count as test scores. Below are the class codes so I can view everyone’s progress. 2 nd period Class code: ZGV33J 3 rd period Class code: 6HA6D6 4 th period Class code: 8PZS6N 5 th period Class code: VGHTY3 7 th period Class code: ZC4AJV
SBAC ONLINE RESOURCES Equations Response Editor Practice and Training Test