RURAL DEVELOPMENT Diversifying Livelihoods Improving infrastructure Reducing Poverty Improving Well-Being
Poor Livelihood options Social & Gender Inequality Multi- Dimensionality of Poverty Poor Housing Electricity, Roads, Internet Lack of Healthcare and Food Security Lack of Education & Skills, Enterprise Assetlessness & Landlessness No Access to Bank Credit Lack of Agricultural Development Multi- Dimensionality of Poverty
Main Running Theme of Deprivation: Landless Manual & Casual Workers Particular Deprivated Households Landless and manual casual labour (D7) % Only zero room or one room with kucha walls and kucha roof (D1)2,37,31,6741,41, % No adult member between age 16 to 59 (D2)65,15,20530,46,60547% Female headed households with no adult male member between age 16 to 59 (D3)68,96,01437,32,04154% Disabled member and no able bodied adult member (D4)7,16,0453,25,07045% SC/ST households (D5)3,85,82,2252,08,86,65454% No literate adult above 25 years (D6)4,21,47,5682,32,18,29655% Landless households as manual casual labour (D7)5,37,01, % Insecure & Uncertain Income Unsafe and Poor quality Houses Low on Skill & Education Assetless
Connectivity, Roads, Internet Resource Mobilization SC/ST/ Women/ OBCs/ Minority Entitlements Poverty Free Gram Panchayat Skill Development Power, Housing, Waste Management Primary Healthcare, Ambulance UEE & Health Coverage Bank/ Credit/ Financial Inclusion SHG, Women’s Economic Activity Pensions for old, widows, disabled Non Farm Livelihoods, Multiple Livelihoods Sports Youth Services, Adolescents Poverty Free Gram Panchayat
Key Budget announcements Doubling Farmers’ income in 5 years. Thrust on irrigation – Long Term Irrigation Fund, PMKSY, 5 lakh farmponds and Dugwells. PMGSY targets by 2019 – reforms in transport lakh crore to Gram Panchayats – 14 th FC Focus on areas of drought and distress – intensive Blocks under Deen Dayal Antyodaya Mission, Cluster Facilitation Teams.
Our approach Complete PMGSY habitation coverage by Crore houses as per SECC by 2019 – with Bank linkage (only 0, 1, 2 kachcha room/roof) Skilling ladder – Rural Masons, Barefoot Technicians, Rural Livelihood Professionals, Pashu Sakhis, Book Keepers, Bank Sakhis. Credit linkage of 1 lakh for 25 lakh SHGs – over3 crore households by 2019.
Our Approach - II Over 15 lakh farm ponds, 30 lakh vermicomposts, 1 crore IHHLs, 2 Lkah Aanganwadi Buildings, 15 lakh goatery, poultry, cow, pig sheds by Streenidhi like credit on lending to SHGs through Banks in 10 States. Over 1 lakh Farmers’ Producer Organizations with knowledge partners and enterprise support-SVEP. 5 lakh SHGs as production units with MSME, Textiles, KVIC, and other manufacturing hubs.
Our Approach - III 300 Rurban Clusters – providing amenities in rural clusters with high growth potential – 30% Critical Gap Funding. Convergent planning in 2569 Backward Blocks – SECC deprivation as priority – Livelihood plan for those with deprivation plans for MGNREGS, DAY, DDUGKY, PMAY, NSAP based on this planning exercise.
Key Issues - MGNREGS Timely payments. Aadhaar seeding and APBS. Delayed payment compensation. Completion. Geo tagging of assets. LIFE – Speed up implementation Social Audit – Faster roll out. Water Conservation assessment.
Key Issues – DAY - NRLM Improving credit linkage. Livelihood security through convergence. MKSP – vermi composting – MGNREGS Expansion of programme in MKSP areas. Expansion in drought prone regions. SVEP – faster roll out. Dasasutri – integrated farming systems. Community Cadres as Banking Correspondent.
Key Issues - PMGSY Speeding up work – completion % new technologies. Remote sensing for planning and monitoring. DPRs for remaining habitations – September’16. State Maintenance policy and funds. Pradhan Mantri Grammen Parivahan Yojana. Meri Sadak App. State share.
Key Issues - DDUGKY All States - Action Plan States. 6 month to one year courses. Scaling up coverage under LIFE. Faster implementation – minimum 5 lakhs. Self – Employment programme. Monitoirng placements. Health, Masons, plumbing, electrician, drivers.
Key Issues - NSAP Speed up Aadhaar seeding. Assess coverage – Centre plus States. Changes in coverage – widows, NOAPS, Disability. Timely payments. Bank/ Post Office accounts. Financial Inclusion – Banking Correspondent. SECC based universal coverage.
Key Issues – PMAY - Grameen Single Nodal Account – 23 States have done. Design and Estimate Books. Finalize beneficiaries for year 1. Beneficiary orientation module. Use of local materials. Mason training. Land for the landless – women’s name. Launch in August 2016.
Key Issues - SAGY Review at State level. Update VDP Report and Panchayat Darpan by 20 July Approve new Projects wherever feasible. Use RD programmes on priority in such villages. Solid and liquid waste management. Plantations.
Key Issues – Rurban Mission Submission of Integrated Cluster Action Plans. Notification of Rurban Clusters. Convergent use of funds from various sectors. Zero waste thrust. Housing, roads, electricity, economic activity. Convergence for economic activity – textile, handicraft, manufacturing, educational, tourism.
Citizen Feedback on PMGSY through Mobile Application- “ Meri Sadak ” A recent e-governance initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development. The App. available for free download at Google Play store and Programme website. Empowers Citizens to register feedbacks /complaints regarding PMGSY roads, supported by geo-referenced photographs. Initial response in seven days and final redressal in 60 days time. Average 350 feedbacks / suggestions received per month Received Feedback/ complaints Final Reply -938 nos. (67 % ) Interim Reply-410 nos. (29 % )
Cement Concrete road is from B to D in September Non-Cement Concrete road is from B to D in March B C B C D D Temporal Changes in Cross Drainage & BT Road Observed by Satellite Imagery
7 7 No Cross Drainage & Earthen Road Observed in March 2014 Cross Drainage & Formation Road Observed in September 2015
MONITORING OF PROGRESS Satellite Image Black top road is shown in red color in the imagery. Road lengths are A to B = 1.13 kms C to E = 0.87 kms Total = 2.00 kms CC Road is shown in yellow color in the image. Road lengths are B to C = 0.13 kms C to D = 0.30 kms E to F = 0.27 kms Total = 0.70 kms 1.13 km 0.87 km 0.28 km 0.30 km 0.13 km A B c D E F
OMMAS vs NIRD DetailsJanuary 2016 January 2016 OMMASNIRD & PR Habitation connected 1 Mordaraj Prasad 1 Mordaraj Prasad Road length completed in Kms BT Road CC Road RD Road - Mordaraj Prasad Road (Via Mordarajprasad ) Against OMMAS Report is 3.00 Km, As per Execution 2.70 Km NIRD & PR analysis got 2.70 Km ( ).
Rural Transport Services From PMGSY to Pradhan Mantri Gramin Parivahan Yojana A new scheme to address, unsafe, poorly regulated, informal and unorganized rural transport services. Leverage the PMGSY rural road network through provision of organized, efficient and affordable transport services. “Rural Roads Transport Plans”, semi-skilled /skilled transport operators, financial assistance for transport operators, roll out in phased manner.
Dashsutri 1.Regular meeting 2.Regular Savings 3.Regular Internal lending 4. Regular repayment 5. Updated books of Accounts ATM: Extra saving available for 24X7 to needy member
Dashsutri 6. Health, Hygiene and Sanitation: ODF SHG Malnutrition free SHG Pucca Bathroom Pure drinking water Personal hygiene 7. Education: Ensure 100% enrollment and retention Priority for education loans Active participation in SMC Active participation in school activities
8. Active involvement in PRIs Active participation in: Village Wardsabha Mahila Gramsabha Gramsabha
9. Access to entitlements and Schemes: Providing access to insurance and pension schemes, NSAP, Crop loan, MGNREGA, toilets Demand generation by BCs and CRPs through SHG meetings Coordination by block and district staff with concerned departments
Strengthening of existing livelihoods sources Generate at least one new source 10. Sustainable Livelihoods Animal Husbandry Dept keen to partner under National Livestock Mission for Backyard poultry
Farm livelihoods - extension service through community resource persons Who is a CRP? Preferably a woman - A member of NRLM compliant Self-Help group A progressive farmer, preferably from a poor household. Has received training on all modules of sustainable agriculture practices. A practitioner of all the best practices for at least 2 years and have demonstrated the practices on her farm Has the willingness to travel. Has good inter-personal relations in the group Is persuasive and good communicator. Has minimum literacy levels- capacity to read and write Roles and Responsibilities Influences people to adopt sustainable practices by demonstration of the best practices Works with the poor households to develop a production plan for each household Conducts Farmers Field School regularly with the women farmers. Makes regular visits to the farms of poor households for handholding and troubleshooting. Monitors the adoption of the different practices and provide feedback or escalate the issues to the appropriate levels in a time-bound manner. Documents the local best practices/case studies in the area Accountable to community institutions (SHG Village Organization)- reporting mechanism in place
CRPs use many innovative hands on training methodologies
A practice based approach for community training
Innovative Audio Visual based training of community Development of Audio Visual training modules on technical protocols
Pashu Sakhi- Extension workers for animal health care
Self employment - Entrepreneurship development among local youth to generate in-situ employment. Skilled wage employment - opportunities for youth in growing sectors of the economy Livelihoods Promotion (contd..)
Nutrition Garden at the back yard (36x36 Model) Seven tier intensive cropping model. To harvest maximum sunlight Tool to achieve nutritional security at the households level
1.Tier 1 – Bulbous root plants 2.Tier 2- Creepers 3.Tier 3 - Leafy Vegetables 4.Tier 4 – Vegetables 5.Tier 5 – Trap and Border Crops 6.Tier 6 – Short Canopy plants 7.Tier 7 - Fruit Plants Contd… 36x36 Model
Grow your own vegetables-multi tier nutrition gardens
Integrated Farming Livestock/Dairy/ Backyard Poultry/Small Ruminants, getting integrated with crop husbandry Fishes making appearance in paddy fields following the withdrawal of pesticides With Biodiversity ➢ horticulture and silvi pasture getting integrated
Water conservation – SRI Cost effective and resource efficient Higher productivity Wide Planting – low pest buildup Less Seed (5 kg per ha) Less water requirement (40% saving) Turning back weed into soil – improves fertility
Enhancing the growth through Ecologically sound Practices Non Pesticide Management Natural soil fertility Management In-situ rain water harvesting