Eschatology, a Broad Perspective From Genesis to Revelation 5/8/20161
Our Considerations The Unique Character of Our Times The Four Principal Views of Eschatology Timeline/Sequence of Maj Prophetic Events in Scripture The Four Covenants Impacting Eschatology The Seven Feasts of Israel Daniel & Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream: Dan 2 Daniel’s Vision of the Four Beasts: Dan 7 Daniel’s Vision of the Ram, the Goat & the Beast: Dan 8 The Character of the Beast: Dan 11 & /15/2016
Daniel Overview 5/15/2016 3
Alexander’s Empire Divides Alexander dies at age 32/3 (323 B.C.) in Babylon Cassander in Macedonia/Greece (green); Lysimachus eastward in Thrace/Asia Minor (brown); Ptolemy in Egypt, Cyprus/nearby Asia Minor (blue); Seleucus to Indus River (yellow). 5/15/2016 4
Daniel 11: Kings of the North & South Wars of the Ptolemies & Seleucids (vv1-35) – Remarkable section of prophecy Persia (v2): Three kings Cambyses ( ); Pseudo-Smerdis ( ); Darius I ( ). Fourth king Xerxes ( ) Alexander the Great (vv3-4); swept through Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, and Mesopotamia ( ) Struggles between kings of the south (Ptolemies of Egypt) and kings of the north (Seleucids of Syria) (vv5-20) – Antiochus III (vv15-20) Antiochus Epiphanes ( ) (vv21-35) 5/15/2016 5
Antiochus Epiphanes vv21-35 He will be a despicable person (v21); will practice deception (v23) He will wage war in many directions beginning with Egypt (vv24-27) He will speak lies (v27) He will desecrate the temple & set up the “abomination of desolation,” a statue of Zeus (v31) He will wage war against the Jews (vv28, 30, 32-33) 5/15/2016 6
Antiochus as a picture of the Antichrist (vv36-45) He will do as he pleases (v36a) He will magnify himself (v36b) He will speak monstrous things against God (v36c) He will regard no god except himself (v37) He will honor a god of fortresses with many resources (v38) He will attack the strongest fortresses (v39a) He will give honor to those who honor him (v39b) He will be involved in a war against many (Armageddon) (v44) He will come to his end with no one to help (v45b) 5/15/2016 7
Daniel 12: The End Summarized Israel will be rescued (v1) There will be a resurrection of the OT Saints (v2) Daniel’s words will be concealed until the end time (vv4, 9) The final events of destruction will take three & one half years (second half of tribulation/Great Tribulation) (v7) Even Daniel didn’t understand all these prophecies (v8) 1290 & 1335 days (vv11, 12) Daniel would die but with the promise that he will be resurrected (v13) 5/15/2016 8
Some Observations “Abomination of desolation” (Dan 11:31; 12:11). Jesus in Mt 24:15 refers to the latter Dan 11:36-45…the willful king of these verses is the Antichrist of the last days, the “man of sin” or “man of lawlessness” in 2 Thess 2:3,4 5/15/2016 9
Take-Aways 10 Never has biblical prophecy been understood the way it has in recent history. The Lord is opening up the prophetic text to our understanding as the time draws near for the final events to take place God is in control of the future. If we know Him, we know all we need to know. “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.” 2Thess 2: /15/2016
The Next Several Weeks May 22Daniel’s Seventy Weeks, Dan 9 Chris May 29Hosea and Israel’s Relationship with GodClint Jun 5IBC Band – No Morning Song Jun 12Ezekiel 37, The Valley of Dry BonesChris Jun 19The Northern Invasion, Ezekiel 38-39Jim Jun 26Conditions at the Time of the EndJon Jul 3 IBC Band – No Morning Song Jul 10The Great ApostasyClint Jul 17The Rapture of the ChurchJon 11 5/15/2016
Seven Dispensations 5/8/