Bones of the foot and ankle
Medial malleolus Lateral malleolus Sesamoid
Foot and ankle ligaments
Foot arches
Foot and ankle arteries
Muscles of the foot and ankle
Taping and Wrapping Ankle Compression Wrap Purpose – limit swelling, pain control, hold bandages or padding in place Position – ankle at 90˚ angle to lower leg Procedure – 1. Begin distally 2. Circle the foot 3. Bisect the heel 4. 2 heel locks 5. Continue proximally, overlapping by ½ width 6. Clip or wrap to secure bandage 7. Check distal circulation and sensation
Taping and Wrapping Ankle Taping (Closed Basketweave) Purpose – limit ROM, pain control Position - ankle at 90˚ angle to lower leg Procedure – 1. Apply spray adherent 2. Apply heel & lace pads 3. Apply underwrap over area to be taped 4. 2 leg anchors 5. 1 foot anchor 6. 3 stirrups 7. Figure 8 8. Medial and lateral heel locks 9. Horseshoe fill-in strips 10. Figure Heel locks 12. Cover any open areas (except calcaneus)
Taping and Wrapping Great Toe Sprain (Turf Toe) Purpose – immobilize the 1 st MtP joint Position – Big toe in neutral (straight) position, foot at 90˚angle to lower leg Procedure – 1. Anchor around mid-foot 2. Anchor around big toe 3. Apply 3-5 longitudinal strips from toe anchor to foot anchor 4. Repeat toe anchor 5. Repeat foot anchor (See pictures on next slide)
Taping and Wrapping Turf Toe taping
Taping and Wrapping Toe Buddy Taping Purpose – stabilize the injured toe Position – toes straight and adjacent Procedure – 1. Apply 1 or 2 strips of ½” width tape around the injured toe and adjacent toe.
Taping and Wrapping Metatarsal (Transverse) Arch pad taping Purpose – Compression on metatarsal arch, stability of MT arch Position – foot at 90° angle to lower leg Procedure – 1. Place pad over MT arch at ball of foot (2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th metatarsals) 2. Apply circular strips of elastic tape to secure pad 3. Anchor with 1 ½ “ white tape
Taping and Wrapping Medial Longitudinal Arch taping – Simple method Purpose – Compression on arch, limit pes planus and pronation Position – foot at 90° angle to lower leg Procedure – 1. Anchor at heads of metatarsals 2. Horseshoe anchor around heel 3. Simple arch strips on plantar surface of foot pulling lateral to medial, cover from MT heads to calcaneus 4. Repeat horseshoe anchor 5. Anchor over dorsum of foot
Taping and Wrapping Medial Longitudinal Arch taping – X-arch or Teardrop Purpose – Compression on arch, limit pes planus and pronation Position – foot at 90° angle to lower leg Procedure – 1. Anchor at heads of metatarsals 2. Horseshoe anchor around heel 3. Tear-drop or “X” strips from MT anchor around heel – Simple arch strips on plantar surface of foot pulling lateral to medial, cover from MT heads to calcaneous 5. Repeat horseshoe anchor 6. Anchor over dorsum of foot (see pictures on next slide)
Taping and Wrapping Medial Longitudinal Arch taping
Taping and Wrapping Shin Splints taping Purpose – pain control Position –foot at 90˚angle to the lower leg Procedure – 1. Apply longitudinal strip on medial and lateral side of leg 2. Begin distally 3. Apply alternating strips in “X” pattern over affected area 4. Repeat longitudinal strip on medial and lateral side of leg 5. Cover with elastic bandage or elastic tape (see picture on next slide)
Taping and Wrapping Shin Splints taping
Taping and Wrapping Achilles Tendon taping Purpose – to limit dorsiflexion and assist plantarflexion Position – leg extended, foot plantarflexed 10˚ Procedure – 1. Apply 2 leg anchors at the base of the calf 2. Apply 1-2 foot anchors at mid-foot 3. Apply 2 strips of elastic tape from the foot anchor, across the plantar surface (sole) of the foot, to the leg anchor 4. Repeat leg anchors and foot anchors 5. Cover with elastic bandage or elastic tape (see picture on next slide)
Taping and Wrapping Achilles Tendon taping