HUMAN RIGHTS Erin Cangelose
Why did I decide this issue? ◦I researched this issue because I care very passionately about it. There are millions of people worldwide not receiving the basic human rights and care that they deserve due to their sexuality, gender, or race. I believe that is not acceptable in this day and age.
Why is this issue important? ◦Human Rights are important because millions of people are being mistreated, and the rest of the human race cant turn their backs on them.
How does this issue impact others? ◦This issue affects trans-genders, the LGBT community, and minorities. 18% of the human race is a minority. 1.7% of Americans are gay, or roughly 9 million Americans. ◦Also, due to bing denied rights, LGBT Youth are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than their straight peers. Also, suicide attempts are 2 times higher among Black and Latino youth that White youth.
What can be done to help this issue? ◦For the LGBT Community, there is an organization called The Human Rights Campaign with more than 1.5 million supporters. To help, you can support this group and join the fight for LGBT rights.
What can be done to help this issue? (2) ◦For people in minorities, society needs to make them a proiority as well. The International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM), serves as an umbrella organization to coordinate the efforts of minorities, indigenous people, and unrepresented communities and nations to gain human rights. You can help by supporting them.
What will I be doing to end this issue? ◦I will be supporting the LGBT, Transgender, and Minority communities in my personal life, and having conversations with friends and family educating them about what they can do to help as well. I will use this project and all I’ve learned so far to do so.
Conclusion ◦In conclusion, the LGBT community, Trans genders, and Minority communities deserve equal rights as human beings, and it can be achieved little by little every day.
Citations ◦"World Demographics." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 4 July ◦"Facts About Suicide." Facts About Suicide. Web. 6 July ◦"International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM)." International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM). Web. 6 July