Picasa Project AEIOU and sometimes Y Learn the different vowels through pictures
Digital Camera Slide Show Kristine Edwards Computer Technology in Education
A A is for AppleAlpine Hwy
On the apple I cropped the picture, then I raised the fill light, highlights, shadows, and the color temp. I then added a glow to the apple. On the sign picture I cropped it and then raised the shadows and the color temp.
E E is for EggSpeed Limit
On the egg I straitened it and then added a warming affect to it. On the Speed Limit sign I cropped it and then raised the shadows, and then I used sepia.
I I is for Ice CubeIceberg
On the Ice Cube I raised the highlights and the shadows. On the Iceburg sign I cropped it, and then flipped it. I raised the shadows, and color temp. I then added color saturation to the sign.
O O is for OreoStop
On the Oreo I cropped it, then added auto contrast to it. I then raised the shadows and added graduated tint. On the Stop Sign I cropped it then raised the fill light and the shadows.
U U is for UmbrellaBike Route
On the Umbrella I cropped it and flipped it. I then made it black and white. On the Bike Route sign I cropped it then added the auto color and flipped it. Then I raised the highlights and shadows.
Y Y is for YogurtYield
On the Yogurt I added text and flipped the picture. Then I raised the fill light and the shadows. On the Yield Sign I cropped it and flipped it. I then I raised the highlights and the shadows. Then I added the focal B&W to the picture.