Women, Feminism, and Early British Literature Jennifer Goodman
Medieval Woman at Work
Medieval Women and Society Patriarchal System Men held authority over women Refused to grant merit to women's views Attitude toward women was misogynistic Women had to know their place Women held a secondary role to men Clergy wrote were dangerous because they cause men to sin
Laws Governing Women Not allowed to marry without parent' consent Could own no business without special permission Not allowed to divorce their husbands Could not own property unless they were widows Could not inherit land from their parents if they had surviving brothers Set by men Severely limited women's freedom
Medieval Women and Work Few women worked Principal role was taking care of husband, children, and home Village women may work in the fields In town, women may be a servant to the wealthy Were barred from belonging to medieval guilds No chance for advancement Would work multiple jobs to make the same money as men
Medieval Women and Work Pay for Men Reaping: 8 pence/day Hay Making: 6 pence/day Pay for Women Reaping: 5 pence/day Haymaking: 4 pence/day
Medieval Women and Marriage Had no choice in who they married Parents (Father) made decision based on benefits to the family After marriage a woman was under the husbands control Men could chastise and beat women to correct her errors Male heirs were important so women were pregnant frequently 20% of women died during childbirth Most common cause of death in this time
Medieval Women Were not educated – detrimental to female virtues Women who wanted education became nuns A few lucky women were educated prior to marriage by family Were not allowed to speak out Those who did were "witches" and writers They likely suffered persecution and death for doing so Unmarried women had more rights than married women
Influence through Literature Women and Men That Made a Difference
Aphra Behn First woman to earn a living as a writer Very much a woman in a world of men A spy for the Crown May have been well travelled Condemned for loose morals Thrown in debtor's prison
Frances "Fanny" Burney Overcame family disapproval of her writing No formal education Novels deal with women's roles Wrote Cecilia The heroine must find a man to take her name in order to retain her inheritance
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Lived through a difficult childhood Worked as a lady's companion, governess, and schoolmistress Had a child out of wedlock Wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792
Geoffrey Chaucer Born into a wealthy family Father of English Literature Wrote Canterbury Tales which included the Wife of Bath The Wife of Bath is has obvious feminist overtones
Citations 1."Medieval Gender." Medieval Gender RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct "Medieval Women." Medieval Women. HistoryLearning Site, Web. 12 Oct "The Norton Anthology of Western Literature." W. W. Norton & Company. Norton & Company, n.d. Web. 13 Oct "Women Writers-17th and 18th Centuries." Women Writers-17th and 18th Centuries. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct "Women's Role in the MedievalSociet." Women’s Role in the Medieval Society (n.d.): n. pag. Wwwencouragementproje. Web. 13 Oct. 201.