ParalympicsGB Village Allotment: Rate Card Requests This pack includes the standard items provided by the OCOG, plus the additional uplift purchased by the BPA. It will provide a guide to help each Sport decide on any additional items they may want to purchase via Rate Card. Any queries relating to Rate Card should be directed to Jennie Cooper, Games Delivery Officer, Note: All information is based prior to ParalympicsGB visit to the village in December, slight amendments may be made prior to the Normal rate card deadline, all of which we will keep you updated on
All orders must be processed through the BPA in the timelines set out below: Timelines PhaseDate Sports normal rate card request deadline20 th January 2016 Payment deadline for normal rate card orders February 2016 Sports late rate card request deadline (increased price of 25%) 11 th May 2016 Cancellation deadline (charge of 100% after this point) 11 th May 2016 Payment deadline for late rate card ordersEarly June 2016
Bin with lid Hand soap Mirror Shower curtain and floor map Toilet paper Shower chair Total items provided: Bathroom:
Bed with mattress Wardrobe (double) Clothes hangers Drying rack Nightstand with lockable drawer Nightstand lamp Black out window curtains Extension cords and multi region adapters (2 per bedroom) Duvet Sheets (2 per bed) Pillow Pillowcase Bath-sized towels (2 per person) Standing fan x1 Total items provided: Bedroom:
Coffee table 2 or 4-seater sofa Bean bags (2-5) Cushions x2 Folding table Folding chairs x2 TV stand 24 or 32” Panasonic television with CATV Standing fan x1 Fridge Iron Ironing board Kettle Mugs Uplift lighting Total items provided: Social Space: ParalympicsGB branding and additional soft furnishings will be provided in order to make each apartment as homely as possible.
A rate card catalogue and order form has been provided (see attachment). Please use this to fill out the order form with any additional items your Sport wishes to purchase. Send this to: by 20 th January Order Process and Information Additional Information: Non-standard items: If there are any items you wish to purchase that aren’t listed in the catalogue please label them as ‘non-standard items’ on the form. BPA will then source these locally on your behalf and inform you of prices before confirmation of purchase Charges: Cancellations, lost & damage and usage charges, will be passed onto the Sports. All charges will be made in USD VAPPs and Aircon: The cost of VAPPs is TBC and an aircon unit is estimated at USD. More information will be passed on once received from the OCOG Mobile Phones: All Team Leaders will be given a smart phone, including sim card, by the BPA to use during the Games