Management for Agricultural Land Uses Unit 2 Chapter 20 Lesson 4
Management for Agricultural Land Uses Part 4 of soil scorecard Worth the most points at each land area You will be told how many to mark Should relate to soil problems (part 2) and to the agricultural land use (part 3) that you selected.
Management Practices Grass Waterways (Fig : p. 283) Water course or drainage way protected against erosion by grass cover Select when there is a water erosion, seasonal flooding, or permeability problem and the area is being used for any rotation including row crops Contour tillage Plow, plant, and cultivate on the contour (opposite angle) of the slope (go across the hill instead of down the hill. Select with any water erosion problem and the area is being used for any non-tree crop.
Management Practices Strip Cropping (Fig : p. 283 of book) Planting a field with strips of crops to create vegetative barriers that reduce erosion. Not used in our area of the state (Do NOT mark) Conservation tillage Using the least amount of tillage necessary to obtain a good germination (growth of seed) Leaves maximum of crop residue (waste) on the soil to reduce soil erosion Select anytime there is a non-tree crop being grown
Management Practices Terrace or diversion (Figure 21-14, p. 297) Terrace is an earthen ridge that “stair steps” a steep slope Diversion is a channel running across a slope to carry water to a grass waterway Usually not used in our part of the state (Do NOT mark) Windbreaks / vegetative barriers Using plants (trees or tall grasses) to block wind Select if there is a wind erosion problem and the area is being used for any row crops
Management Practices Install / maintain artificial drainage Select if soils have a drainage or seasonal flooding problem and are used for any non-tree crop Barnyard manure Select if: –Manure is available –The area is being used for non-tree crops –The Phosphorus level is less than 300 lbs. per acre
Management Practices Liming Materials Used to raise the soil pH Select if the soil pH is 6.5 or lower Or select if growing legumes with 6.8 or lower Apply phosphorus (P) fertilizer Select if there is 79 lbs. or less of phosphorus per acre Apply potassium (K) fertilizer Select if there is 299 lbs. or less of potassium per acre
Management Practices Cover and Green-manure crops Select if: –Area is being used for orchard crops –Area has a soil erosion or an organic matter problem Return all crop residues to the soil Always mark if area is being planted in a non-tree crop
Management Practices Establish and/or maintain legume-grass mixture for continuous sod crops Select if: –Area is being used for continuous sod crops –Area has a severe erosion problem Establish and/or maintain grasses for permanent cover Select if: – Area is being used for continuous sod crop –Area is a wet land area (Seasonal flooding or wet spots)
Management Practices Managed grazing for pasture erosion control Select if area is being used for a continuous sod crop Topdress established legumes with phosphorus Select if: –Land use is a rotation including legumes being planted for ½ to full time (options 2-5 on scorecard part 3) –Phosphorus level is 79 pounds or less per acre
Management Practices Topdress established legumes with potassium Select if: –Land use is a rotation including legumes being planted for ½ to full time (options 2-5 on scorecard part 3) –Phosphorus level is 299 pounds or less per acre Topdress permanent vegetation with commercial nitrogen Select if area is used for continuous sod crops
Management Practices Eradicate brush Select if: –There are brush or shrubs present –The area is being used for continuous sod crops Special plantings for wildlife food and cover Select if continuous sod crops or woodland is the selected use Plant adapted species of trees Select if woodland is the selected use
Management Practices Protect trees and shrubs from grazing or burning Select if area is being used for woodland or orchard crops Manage woods Select if the area is being used as a woodland