COLLECTIVE IMPACT: Overview of our framework for action Communities Leading Healthy Change LEAD TEAM RETREAT February 6, 2015 First Choice Community Commons – Albuquerque, NM Marsha McMurray-Avila, Coordinator Bernalillo County Community Health Council
Context… Problems like chronic disease are so complex, with so many contributing factors, that they're often called "wicked" or "messy" problems. Messy, wicked problems
WORKING IN COLLECTIVE IMPACT REQUIRES A MINDSET SHIFT OLD WAY Technical Problem-Solving Credit Silver Bullet NEW WAY Adaptive Problem-Solving Credibility Silver Buckshot Adapted from John Kania
The Three Phases of Collective Impact Phase 1 – Initiate Action (Planning Period) Phase 2 - Organize for Impact (Activities that need to be undertaken in the first couple of years following the planning period) Phase 3 – Sustain Action and Impact (Activities that deepen the work done in Phase II to move us toward our long-term vision)
Backbone Functions
COLLECTIVE IMPACT: WHAT IT TAKES 2. Allow for the “shock of the possible” 1.Achieve a perpetual state of simultaneous planning and doing 3. Pay attention to relationships 4. Listen, listen, listen for how to respond to unanticipated results 5. Adopt an attitude of “burning patience” Adapted from John Kania
THANK YOU! Marsha McMurray-Avila Coordinator, Bernalillo County Community Health Council Funding for this presentation was made possible (in part) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The views expressed here do not, necessarily, reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.