20/07/ Marzio Nessi Agenda For NIKHEF plans for the ATLAS Upgrade. NIKHEF ATLAS upgrade plans and organization DL/NH Potential NIKHEF involvement in the ATLAS upgrade. What are the plans? Interest? Time line etc. NIKHEF contribution to the Upgrade PO effort. NeedsDL Potential ContributionsNIKHEF Combine Upgrade and Maintenance/OperationSS/DL NIKHEF contributions to general R&D Updating Activity Matrix – Road to WBS, Schedule People who might play Key Roles
20/07/2005 David Lissauer ATLAS Technical Coordination ATLAS Project Office ATLAS Upgrade Project Office Organization
20/07/ Marzio Nessi PO organization The Organization of the ATLAS Upgrade is given in: The project office is part of TCn. The PO reports to TC/TMB and the Upgrade Steering Group. (EB when needed) The ATLAS management will define the concept of R&D resources, deliverables, Upgrade common funds etc. in the overall ATLAS concept. The ATLAS resource coordinator, TC and ATLAS Stockperson (s) with the Upgrade PO will develop the MOU for the deliverables of the Upgrade. The PO should have a small core of people to coordinate the effort and will rely on existing TC staff and functions. (i.e. No duplications) A large fraction of the effort will have to come from the collaboration – probably from major labs and universities.
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Project Office - functions Overall planning (schedule and follow-up office) Develop and maintain for each upgrade project Schedule. Ensure that the schedules are coordinated. Review process Regular reviews of the upgrade R&D project Configuration control: Maintain layout drawings. Maintain a 3D model of the experiment ECR’s Envelope checks – configuration control Safety organization: deals with materials,structures certification etc. Maintain existing ATLAS facilities at CERN : (for example SR1), in term of infrastructures and services that will be needed for the upgrade. Radiation, activation compliance with INB regulation: Access, removal of active components, zoning inside the cavern and traceability
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Project Office functions Integration: R&D and construct all major support structure Construct Installation and access structures. redesign all services layout, their routing and installation strategies installation scenario of the detector components and services Coordinate the R&D and implementation of the next generation of cooling plants Be a true technical point of contact for the upgrade and facilitate technical collaboration and distributed responsibility within the Collaboration A forum for technical and engineering discussions of all possible upgrades projects and their interaction with the existing detector. (Complimentary and in coordination with physics simulations) Layout studies R&D Monitoring
20/07/ Marzio Nessi R&D Organization “ Directed” / ”Coordinated” R&D: R&D be applicable to the ATLAS upgrade plans. (NOT Generic R&D.) As the number of options are reduced -support for dropped options R&D will be terminated in an orderly fashion. Use the R&D period to foster collaboration and avoid as much as possible “shoot outs”. The PO will take an active part in coordinating and reviewing the R&D proposals. Review Office Identify Person (persons) to lead the review office. Mechanical/Layout, Electronics. A review board that will follow the project from the start.
20/07/ Marzio Nessi R&D Program A list of possible R&D programs have been identified in the Activity Matrix. Located Identify the “directed” R&D that are needs to be driven by the PO with the help of the review board /steering group. E.g. Cooling Beam Pipes Gases – ageing studies. (Muons) Service Integration Experiment Layouts Radiation facility Identify items that R&D that are not covered and initiate R&D. R&D scope is large. Has overlap with present detector optimization and long term survival.
20/07/ Marzio Nessi ATLAS Upgrade Resources R&D Support will have to come mainly from the collaboration. We are starting to discuss with the collaboration contributions to the PO in term of manpower both physicists and Engineers. E.g.. We need to find solutions to the ATLAS drawing office – so that it can continue to function after the end of the construction. Identify designers/Engineers who can work on the layout outside CERN. Planning officer to help in the Schedule and monitoring of the progress. Identify people who can coordinate the infrastructure related R&D. We need to emphasize that the resources for the PO and R&D program will have to come from outside CERN if the Upgrade is to succeed!!!
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Activity Matrix – Level II WBS Activity Matrix developed by the Upgrade Steering group.
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Activity Matrix - ID An example is the ID development. Aim to keep Coherent – not to split too early to Pixel, SS, LS Common solutions!
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Activity Matrix – Integration Exp. Support A lesson from ATLAS – Start on integration issues and global optimization EARLY!!!
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Development of a WBS & Schedule Development of a baseline schedule that can be used as input for the R&D is one of the first items on the agenda At the same time the WBS will be updated. Each deliverable will have: R&D Prototypes Constructions Integration/Installation (In to the next level) Installation in ATLAS Challenge to make all of this consistent.
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Cost and Resources Once the WBS and Schedule are progressed we will need to get a cost and develop an upgrade construction model. Expect that it will follow the ATLAS construction model. i.e. Deliverables will be assigned and MOU written. As the cost estimate and resources are still not very well known - ATLAS management, Contact Physicists and funding agencies will have to be involved to make sure that we are staying within reality.
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Review Office A priority for us is to identify a senior physicist who can help in organizing the Review Office. The function of the review office will be to follow the project from the R&D stage to the installation. At the R&D stage the functions will include to review ALL the R&D proposals from submission and follow their progress with regular formal and informal reviews. A critical issue will be the stage at which we discontinue approved R&D project and merging it into a coherent effort. The Review office should have a “standing” review committee who will help in following this effort. At a later stage deputies for electronics/mechanics are envisioned. The Review Office Leader will be part of the Upgrade Steering group.
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Layout Coordinator A layout to coordinate the effort between the engineering effort, R&D efforts, physics and the community. Senior Physicist who is aware of the R&D scope Work with the Simulation group and help in defining the priority for the simulation studies needed. The POL, Review Office and the Layout coordinator will be involved in forcing the convergence of the layout.
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Resources for PO As was mentioned before the manpower for the PO will have to come from the collaboration at large. Preferably from people outside CERN. Key positions will have to be filled by people who are familiar with ATLAS. Expect that a significant amount of effort will be shared between ATLAS upgrade and ATLAS maintenance and Operation. This will be true for both people at CERN and to the experts within the collaborating institutions. E.g. Some of the people developing the electronics are going to be the “experts” we need for ATLAS running
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Additional manpower - Expertise I Cost and Schedule (Phys./Eng.): Schedule/WBS/Cost: We need a few people who can help in the development a WBS structure/Schedule and Cost. Plan to develop calorimeter, ID, Muon and Trigger sch. all in parallel and than merged into the master schedule. At the same time we need to develop the methodology and cost estimate. Review Officer (Senior Phys) Standing Review Pool of experts: Mix of Physicists and Engineers Pool of electronics expert Pool of Mechanical/System experts Layout Coordinator (Senior Phys.)
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Additional manpower Expertise II Installation Engineers: Mechanical Installation studies. Access and Installation tooling. Services Layout of Services & Optimization Cables & Connectors Configuration Control ATLAS is moving to CATIA and we need experts who can help in the transformation of the EUCLID model to CATIA. Help in monitor the envelopes of new proposals. Mechanical Layout and Calculations: To work closely with the Layout people. Worry more on interface issues.
20/07/ Marzio Nessi Radiation Studies A program to understand the Radiation levels at SLHC is needed: This work is coupled to monitoring the radiation levels n ATLAS. Develop plans for upgrading shielding for Muons and possible improvements in the calorimeter electronics readout and ID regions. Material Qualifications (Including Gas) Some of this work has to be done in close collaboration with the people developing specific systems.
20/07/ Marzio Nessi e.g. R&D Issues: Cooling Studies Thermal Control and Modeling Understand the overall cooling and thermal control in the experiment. Stringent specifications exists for the absolute temperature from the RPC and local temperature gradient from the MDT. Understand in detail the Thermal conditions in ATLAS Develop plans for improvements Cooling plants etc. Work in close collaboration with the individual system cooling proposals. The model thus is to try and: Share expertise between R&D and M&O. Share expertise and people between PO and M&O.