Putting Patients First Involving Voluntary Organisations in healthcare Thursday 18 th April
Directory themes Areas covered: Elderly End of life Mental health Learning disabilities Autism People with dementia Continuing care Volunteering Carers Sexual, reproductive, psychosexual health promotion and education Workplace wellbeing Disability needs for terminally ill Motor neurone disease Multiple sclerosis Women’s aid Parents support for disabled children Housing Community action group
Directory themes Key areas of activity/provision: Preventative health and wellbeing Tackling isolation and loneliness Supporting carers Day care Home care/support One to one/peer/group support Community support/transport Volunteering
Directory themes Key areas of activity/provision: Employment Routes to employment – paid and voluntary Support in claiming disability/other allowances Partnership working with voluntary org partners Support to employees/employers re. workplace wellbeing Accommodation; housing; living skills Supporting young people re sexual health Parenting courses, behaviour management Specialist leisure services for disabled children
Directory themes What’s wanted from CCG: Collaboration and planning Make use of/refer to available community services Early diagnosis/intervention Engagement in proactive/preventive work Working together re. environment, safety and wellbeing Make patients, families and carers aware Signposting Ensure on-going support for carers; recognise young carers Research funding to better understand/respond to conditions
Directory themes What’s wanted from CCG: Stronger links to service providers, to advise/support/educate Professionals’ time to build understanding Service commission/financial support Networking with CCG and with each other Some direction re. what services CCG would want from voluntary organisations in the future Transparency re. what/how CCG intends to commission Realistic expectation re. what can be delivered within available resources Support us to develop clear referral pathways and sustainable partnerships with GPs/health professionals