European Commission DG DEVCO Supporting climate adaptation and increasing resilience in SIDS: experience with the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) Bangkok 14/3/2012 Walter Kennes DEVCO H2
European Commission DG DEVCO GCCA: Scope and Objective Objective: to step up cooperation and dialogue between the EU and developing countries that are hit earliest and hardest by climate change and have the least capacity to react, in particular LDCs and SIDS Two pillars: Deepen climate policy dialogue Increase financial cooperation in climate change area
European Commission DG DEVCO GCCA: An opportunity for Dialogue Dialogue under the Alliance aims to: Promote a converging of visions on a post-2012 climate change regime between the EU and the targeted countries and regions : Caribbean, Pacific, Africa, ACP, Asian LDC Political Declarations Promote dialogue on climate change at national level: Advance the integration of climate change into poverty reduction objectives, strategies and plans Define needs and opportunities for cooperation
European Commission DG DEVCO GCCA : increased cooperation support focuses on five areas: Priority for adaptation (NAPA estimates: 40% agriculture, 20% water) disaster risk reduction (DRR) (NAPA estimates: 15%) educing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) participation in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) integration of climate change in national poverty reduction strategies
European Commission DG DEVCO GCCA Finance € 185million additional funds from EU budget under Environment and Natural Resources Thematic Programme (ENRTP); plus Member States contributions: € 4.4 million from Sweden, €0.2 million from Czech Republic; €31 from Ireland; €1.8 from Cyprus; €0.8 from Estonia. Intra-ACP funding ( ): €40 m regional GCCA activities €180 m disaster risk reduction (partial) € 4.4 support for CDM (part of MEA programme) ENRTP: call for proposals for REDD projects (2010) €24 m reducing deforestation and sustainable forest management
European Commission DG DEVCO Criteria to establish priorities Combining three elements Poverty (GNP per capita) Climate related vulnerability Frequency of floods, drought, storms share of agriculture in GDP share of population in low lying areas vulnerable coral reefs or glaciers Climate change policy dialogue (NAPAs)
European Commission DG DEVCO The GCCA Implementation Framework GCCA Support Facility (€3.2 m) for preparatory activities/capacity building Support started with 4 pilot countries in 2009: Vanuatu, Maldives, Cambodia and Tanzania In selection of further countries: list of further beneficiaries: Bangladesh, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Mali, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal and Seychelles
European Commission DG DEVCO The GCCA implementation framework In 2011: Benin, Bhutan, Gambia, Ethiopia, Laos, Nepal, Samoa, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands; plus regional action with 9 Pacific States and 4 Mekong Region States; Planned under 2012 budget: PNG, Timor Leste, Uganda, Malawi, Organisation for Eastern Caribbean States.
European Commission DG DEVCO Achievements so far Deepened dialogue with majority of SIDS (Caribbean, Pacific, ACP and African joint declarations with the EU) Agreement on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action at COP 17 last December also thanks to the alliance between EU, SIDS and LDC Increased cooperation with SIDS
European Commission DG DEVCO The next steps Making the GCCA more an EU initiative; Continue the political dialogue with partner countries building on the agreed declarations; Support mainstreaming of climate change in development strategies; Demonstrating successful implementation; Exchange experience, coordination for example with WB, UNDP, CDKN … Promote the integration of development issues in international negotiations process (bring the experience of the aid effectiveness principles). THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION