Nursery Curriculum Map 2015-16. Personal, Social & Emotional Development Communication & Language Share stories on home/families and children’s favourite.


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Presentation transcript:

Nursery Curriculum Map

Personal, Social & Emotional Development Communication & Language Share stories on home/families and children’s favourite stories and rhymes. Introduce the skills for good listening and attention. Begin Letters and Sounds program at phase 1 ‘General Sound Discrimination’. Provide plenty of opportunities for children to share thoughts, ideas and news daily. Physical Development Reinforce personal hygiene routines including hand washing following outdoor play and before snack. Support children in managing clothing and fastenings including coats, pumps, Wellingtons and aprons. Introduce children to new climbing equipment. Model giving meaning to marks made, proving multisensory mark making and writing opportunities. Introduce children to the hall and begin weekly PE sessions using ‘Sticky Kids’ movement and dance program. Introduce and model the safe use of one handed tools and equipment. Themes - ‘New Beginnings’, ’Myself’, ‘Colour’, ‘Autumn’. Introduce nursery rules and routines. Support and encourage independence throughout the setting. Model sharing, turn taking and cooperative play. Provide opportunities to talk about self, home and family. YN Autumn

Literacy Understanding the World Mathematics Expressive Arts & Design Provide opportunities to share children’s favourite books 1-1, in small and larger groups. Share Elmer stories and information books related to Autumn. Provide and model opportunities for writing. Basic counting skills using 1-1 correspondence, counting children in daily, number songs and rhymes. Sort, count and compare objects by colour, size, shape. Introduce and model language relating to shape, space and measure. Share and build upon prior knowledge relating to autumn. Discuss features and changes to the environment. Go on an autumn walk to look for signs of autumn. Find out about animals related to autumn. Provide opportunities for children to share their experiences at home relating autumn; going on walks to the park etc. Explore colour through mixing, and various textures when looking at leaves and objects. Explore musical instruments and sounds outdoors. NYN Autumn

Personal, Social & Emotional Development Communication & Language Listening and Attention - Share stories on home/families, children’s favourite stories and rhymes, a range of familiar/non familiar traditional tales and stories with a winter theme. Continue to reinforce the skills for good listening and attention when sharing conversations in small and larger groups Providing plenty of opportunities for children to share thoughts, ideas and news daily. Continue Letters and Sounds program at phase 1 ‘General Sound Discrimination’ and begin aspects of phase 2. Understanding – Develop understanding of use of equipment through introducing additional tools and resources. Develop understanding of simple and more complex questions to include ‘how’ and ‘why’. Speaking – Continue to develop conversational skills modelling and encouraging use connectives to develop sentence structures to link thoughts, share experiences and recall events within stories. Physical Development Health and Self Care - Reinforce personal hygiene routines including hand washing following outdoor play and before snack. Encourage further independence in managing clothing and fastenings including coats, pumps, wellingtons and aprons. Develop awareness of changes to our bodies during exercise and keeping warm during cold weather. Moving and Handling – Continue to proving multisensory mark making and writing opportunities to further develop pencil grip and control to include letters. Continue weekly PE sessions in the hall exploring a range of movement, and introducing ball skills. Further develop use of one handed tools and equipment, introducing additional resources, developing understanding of the need for safety. Themes – ‘Winter’ ‘Traditional Tales’, RE - ‘Celebrating’ ‘Gathering’. Self Confidence and Self Awareness - Introduce nursery rules and routines for January intake. Support and encourage independence throughout the setting, modelling sharing, turn taking and cooperative play. Provide opportunities to talk about self, home and family. Making Relationships - Support established members of the group to welcome and support new children into the group, helping them with basic rules and routines. Managing Feelings and Behaviour - Continue to develop understanding of the need to respect others wants/thoughts and feelings during play and how to respond appropriately. YN Spring

Literacy Understanding the World Mathematics Expressive Arts & Design Reading - Provide opportunities to share a variety of books, songs and rhymes 1-1, in small and larger groups, developing attention and recall. Writing - Develop understanding of the link between spoken/written language by making signs and labels modelling giving meaning to marks and following simple sets of instructions/ingredients to make bird feeders. Number - Basic counting skills using 1-1 correspondence, counting children in daily and use of number cards to show number of children in. Number songs and rhymes. Estimate, count and compare groups of objects. Shape, Space and Measure – Continue to develop understanding and use of language language relating to shape, space and measure. Further develop understanding of use of positional language though a variety of play opportunities. People and Communities – Provide opportunities to talk about experiences from home relating to cold weather, days out. The World - Discuss changes to the weather and environment during winter. Find out about animals living in cold parts of the world. Explore frost/snow. Explore cause and effect through ice investigation. Discuss looking after animals that visit our garden during winter time; work together to make bird feeders. Technology - Introduce use of I – Pads/cameras to record using photographs. Develop basic mouse/keyboard skills using various software. Using media and materials – Continue to provide plenty of opportunities to share songs, rhymes and games using props and instruments. Being imaginative – Provide additional resources, props and materials to act out familiar stories. Work with children using available materials to make their own props to support imaginative play. Support and develop use of language through imaginative play through modelling and joining play. YN Spring

Personal, Social & Emotional Development Communication & Language Listening and Attention - Share themed stories linked topics, favourite stories and rhymes, including familiar/non familiar traditional tales. Continue to reinforce the skills for good listening and attention when sharing conversations in small and larger groups providing plenty of opportunities for children to share thoughts, ideas and news. Continue Letters and Sounds program at phase 1 with a particular focus on aspects 5 and 6 and phase 2. Understanding – Develop understanding of use of equipment through introducing additional tools and resources. Develop understanding of simple and more complex questions to include ‘how’ and ‘why’. Speaking – Continue to develop conversational skills modelling and encouraging use connectives to develop sentence structures to link thoughts, share experiences and recall events within stories. Physical Development Health and Self Care - Reinforce personal hygiene routines including hand washing following outdoor play, after planting and before snack. Develop understanding of dressing appropriately for hot weather and staying safe in the sun. Moving and Handling – Continue to proving multisensory mark making and writing opportunities to further develop pencil grip and control to include letters. Continue weekly PE sessions in the hall/outdoors exploring a range of movement. Further develop use of one handed tools and equipment, introducing additional resources, developing understanding of the need for safety. Introduce ‘Write Dance’ to support early writing development. Themes – ‘Growing’ ‘Summer/holidays’ ‘Mini-beasts’, RE - ‘Good News’, ‘Our World’. Self Confidence and Self Awareness - Children to take part in transition days in preparation for their move into Reception class. Making Relationships – Continue to support less confident in joining and making contributions during play. Managing Feelings and Behaviour - Continue to develop understanding of the need to respect others wants/thoughts and feelings during play and how to respond appropriately. YN Summer

Literacy Understanding the World Mathematics Expressive Arts & Design Reading - Share a variety of books, songs and rhymes including ‘The Enormous Turnip’ and ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Continue to develop recall, understanding of structure and ability to predict and anticipate events within stories. Writing – Continue to develop understanding of the link between spoken/written language and giving meaning to marks. Support children working at phase two Letters and Sounds to use phonic knowledge to add labels to pictures. Continue to work with children to develop pencil grip and increasing pencil control. Number - Basic counting skills using 1-1 correspondence, counting children in daily and use of number cards to show number of children in. Number songs and rhymes. Estimate, count and compare groups of objects. Shape, Space and Measure – Continue to develop understanding and use of language relating to shape, space and measure. Further develop understanding of use of positional language though a variety of play opportunities and awareness of number and shape in the environment. People and Communities – Provide opportunities to talk about experiences from home relating to days out and holidays using past and future tense. The World – Continue to develop understanding of growth and change through planting. Discuss and find out about a variety of mini-beasts and bugs. Go on a mini-beast hunt. Develop understanding of growth, decay and changes overtime by introducing children to the life cycle of a caterpillar. Observe caterpillars as they develop into butterflies and make butterfly feeders. Technology - Continue to use I – Pads and cameras to record using photographs and introduce a variety of apps. Develop basic mouse/keyboard skills using various software. Using media and materials – Continue to provide plenty of opportunities to share songs, rhymes and games using props and instruments. Being imaginative – Provide additional resources, props and materials to act out familiar stories. Work with children using available materials to make their own props to support imaginative play. Support and develop use of language to connect ideas through imaginative play by modelling and joining play. YN Summer