Implementation of inclusive education in Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) Pakistan Presenters: Khalid Naeem Director General (Rtd.), Special Education, Govt. of Pakistan/ Ms. Munazza Gillani Country Manager, Sightsavers, Pakistan
1.The Land: - FATA is a land of 600 km long and 130 km at its width, encompassing an area of 27,220 sq km. To to its North West is Afghanistan.
2.Constitutional Status of FATA: - Under the Constitution of Pakistan, FATA is represented in the National Assembly and the Senate.
3.Population Demography:- According to the 1998 census, population of FATA is about 3.18 million. The annual population growth rate is 2.19%.
4.FATA Administrative Secretariat: - Since 2006, the Civil Secretariat of FATA is working with an Additional Chief Secretary, four secretaries and a number of Directors.
5.Existing Education System in FATA: - a) FATA Dte. of Education is responsible for the establishment of primary, secondary, higher- secondary, undergraduate and postgraduate educational institutes in each tribal agency.
5. Existing Education System in FATA: - b)The Education development strategy of FATA Directorate: – Enhance awareness about education – Increase access to education – Promote effective learning of basic skills for both teachers and students.
5. Existing Education System in FATA: - – Improve quality of teacher training by promoting adequate skills. – Create mechanism for effective monitoring and evaluation.
5.Existing Education System in FATA: - c) Private Sector Education in FATA: Share of private education institutes is 5.7%, Community Based Schools is 6.3% and govt. institutes is 88%. There are 61 primary, 124 middle, 161 high and 23 higher secondary schools/ intermediate colleges, Cadet College (Razmak).
5.Existing Education System in FATA: - c) Private Sector Education in FATA: Total enrollment in Private institutes is million out of which million are boys and million are girls.
6.Concept and rationale of Inclusive Education: - Inclusion has become the most effective approach to address the learning needs of all students in regular schools. UNESCO, the World Bank and NGOs have consensus that all children have the right to be educated together.
6.Concept and rationale of Inclusive Education: - Rationales for IE are; (i)each child has a right to belong and to share normal experiences with family, neighbors and peers (ii)All children can learn and develop. Working side by side with peers with diverse skills and abilities
a)As per estimates, out of total VI population in FATA, the number of VI Children of school going age (5- 14) are about Special Education / Visual Impairment in Pakistan/FATA: -
b)In 2003, a national level survey about situation of VI in Pakistan was conducted, findings of which are; The estimated prevalence of childhood blindness is 0.75/1000, while in KP province it is 0.9/ Special Education / Visual Impairment in Pakistan/FATA: -
There is a huge challenge in identification of childhood VI. 87.2% of the children enrolled in the schools were blind (77.5%). 78.3% of the blind schools lack training facilities, equipment and expertise. 7.Special Education / Visual Impairment in Pakistan/FATA: -
Lack of networking Lack of O&M training facilities Practical models of comprehensive eye services need to be developed. 7.Special Education / Visual Impairment in Pakistan/FATA: -
c)For education of VI Children provincial Govts. are responsible. d)IE services can be introduced through a survey to know the number of VIC and sensitizing the Edu. Deptt. about the concept of IE. 7.Special Education / Visual Impairment in Pakistan/FATA: -
e)Following four projects were demonstrated which helped to introduce IE in Pakistan:- (i)Sp. Edu. Deppt., University of the Punjab, DGSE, Sightsavers and UNICEF started dialogue sessions on IE during Special Education / Visual Impairment in Pakistan/FATA: -
(ii)DGSE launched a Pilot Project on IE during (iii)DGSE and Sightsavers introduced IE in 2 mainstream education Schools in Islamabad 7.Special Education / Visual Impairment in Pakistan/FATA: -
(vi)ICEVI Pakistan organized dozens of seminars, workshops and meetings at federal and provincial level and also published print material. This campaign sensitized the concerned govt. deptts. and other stakeholders about the concept of IE. 7.Special Education / Visual Impairment in Pakistan/FATA: -
f)Through these initiatives, enrollment of VI Children was increased. This campaign helped to formulate Policy on IE. 7.Special Education / Visual Impairment in Pakistan/FATA: -
The above mentioned projects will be utilized as a demonstration pilot model for promoting IE in FATA. 7.Special Education / Visual Impairment in Pakistan/FATA: -
8.Recommendations for implementation of IE in FATA:- a)There is a need to conduct a mini-survey to know number of VI population and their needs for IE in FATA. b)There is a need to advocate and sensitize the FATA education and social sector deptts.
c)Develop and launch advocacy campaigns to address stakeholders. d)Build strong partnerships with concerned line Ministries, Provincial Line Deptts. and the private sector. 8.Recommendations for implementation of IE in FATA:-
e)Decentralize program management and service delivery for IE for VIC. f)Ensure training and education of parents and communities to recognize special needs of VIC. 8.Recommendations for implementation of IE in FATA:-
g)Special emphasis may be given to develop learning material for introducing IE. 8.Recommendations for implementation of IE in FATA:-
f)Necessary arrangements may be made to; (i) accessibility/mobility of VIC in the Schools (ii) provide assistive aids (iii) teachers training 8.Recommendations for implementation of IE in FATA:-