Working With Noise Introduction Noise is part of everyday life, but too much noise can cause permanent and disabling hearing damage. This can be hearing loss that gets worse over time, damage caused by sudden, extremely loud noises, or tinnitus (permanent ringing in the ears). With hearing damage, conversation becomes difficult or impossible, your family complains about the television being too loud, you have trouble using the telephone, and you may be unable to sleep. By the time you notice, it is probably too late. However, there is no need for your hearing to be damaged by your work – as your employer we have a duty to protect you and we are working on measures to reduce the risk including carrying out a noise exposure risk assessment and issuing you with appropriate ear defenders as part of your p.p.e. kit
Working With Noise Our Risk Assessment Tom Odell spent a week collecting data regarding both noise and vibration exposure. Based on the maximum decibels generated and the estimated daily/weekly usage we are able to calculate a weekly exposure level using a HSE calculation tool. In accordance with current legislation, there are 3 levels of exposure Lower action valueup to 80 Db If exceeded – we have to provide ear defenders and recommend their use Upper Action Value 81 Db to 85 Db If exceeded – we have to provide ear defenders and ensure that they are worn Maximum Exposure Limit87 Db This limit should never be exceeded
Working With Noise Our Risk Assessment Without the use of ear defenders, the following values were recorded Powered Drills 90.9 Db 63.9 Db Grinders 98.4 Db 71.4 Db Compressors Db 74.0 Db Breakers Db 85.6 Db High Pressure Water Jetters Db 76.0 Db Hopefully these figures will demonstrate the importance of wearing ear defenders. The defenders that we issue are tested to EN 352 and reduce exposure at the ear by 27 Db thus giving the following adjusted values WEAR EAR DEFENDERS – THEY ARE FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!
Working With Noise What Should You Do Co-operate. Help us to do what is needed to protect your hearing. Wherever possible, place machinery in such a way as to reduce the impact of noise at the ear Also attend hearing checks. Take some responsibility for your hearing – It is precious !! Wear any hearing protection you are given. Wear it properly ensuring that there is a good seal around the ears. Make sure you wear it all the time when you are doing noisy work, and when you are in hearing protection areas. Taking it off even for a short while means that your hearing could still be damaged. Remember that there is no cure for deafness. Look after your hearing protection. Make sure that you use your p.p.e. bag and don’t leave hearing protection lying on the floor of the vehicle where it can easily get damaged. Report any problems with your hearing protection or noise control devices straight away. Let us know immediately if you have any ear trouble
Working With Noise The Early Signs Of Hearing Loss Generally speaking, hearing loss is gradual. By the time you notice it, it is probably too late. We want to prevent hearing loss before it happens. If you notice any of the following we would recommend that you get advice from your G.P. Conversation becomes difficult or impossible Your family complains about the television being too loud You have trouble using the telephone You find it difficult to catch sounds like 't', 'd' and 's', so you confuse similar words Permanent tinnitus (ringing, whistling, buzzing or humming in the ears)
Working With Noise EAR DEFENDERS MUST BE WORN WHEN High Pressure Water Jetting Using Electro-Mechanical Machines Using Drills Using Compressors and Generators Using Breakers Using Grinders