Super HERO Newsletter Welcome to the School Year!! #RESlearnleadsucceed A Message from Ms. Scott: I am so excited to be working with each and every student in my class this year! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! Website: Please check out our school website: You can find our class website under Student Services. You can also find your child’s general education teacher’s website under their grade level. Phone: Meet our Staff: Paraprofessionals: We are fortunate to have 2 wonderful paraprofessionals working in our classroom to help ensure the students are successful. Ashlee Eagal (Ms. Eagal) and Amy Kerr (Mrs. Kerr) will be working with your child in both the special education and general education classrooms. Occupational Therapist: Melanie Ingraham Speech and Language Pathologist: Eileen Edwards General Education Teachers: Kindergarten: Lauren Lavin 1 st Grade: Theresa Haniford 2 nd Grade: Angey Sims Contact Info Teacher Name: Brittany Scott Phone:
Super HERO Newsletter Welcome to the School Year!! #RESlearnleadsucceed Home/School Communication: Each day, your child will come home with their behavior chart for the day and a note in his/her take home folder (yellow folder). Please review the behavior chart and note daily. There is also a place for you to right a note if you would like. I will check your child’s take home folder each morning. Behavior Chart: Your child will get a green square or smiley face or a red square or sad face for each part of the day. Green means they did a great job. Red means they had difficulties. Phone: Student ID Number: In your child’s agenda is a sticker with his/her Student ID number to use for the online payment system. For Kindergarten and First Grade students who do not have an agenda, the number will be provided by the general education teachers. Class Work: All work completed in Ms. Scott’s class will be sent home on Fridays. Every Friday, each student will pick a piece of work that they are proud of to hang on the start work wall in the classroom! The work will be on display for one week. Homework: Homework will come home about once a week for students in 1 st and 2 nd grade. Homework is due the next day unless otherwise noted. You are encouraged to also read with your child nightly. Snack: Please send in a snack each day with your child.
Super HERO Newsletter Welcome to the School Year!! #RESlearnleadsucceed Cooking: Every Friday we cook with Mrs. Edwards. If you would like to send in paper plates, paper bowls, plastic silverware, or napkins for our cooking activities we would greatly appreciate it! Phone: Supplies: Art Shirt (preferably in a baggie with your child’s name on it)- this can be the same art shirt that is requested by the general education teacher Headphones (labeled with your child’s name)- these can be the same headphones that is requested by the general education teacher Change of clothes (preferably in a baggie with your child’s name on it) Glue Sticks (6) Tissues (3 boxes) Baggies (1 box, sandwich size) Crayons (1 box)