New Beginnings July 27 and 28 Tavares Middle School Lesson Planning: Mapping an Academic Journey Dr. Lisa Sabino and Mrs. Nell Wills
Connector What is your dream vacation? Jot down your thoughts on your name tent/“post card.” Please be sure to add your name and school.
Lake County Schools Vision StatementVision Statement A dynamic, progressive and collaborative learning community embracing change and diversity where every student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace. Mission StatementMission Statement The mission of the Lake County Schools is to provide every student with individual opportunities to excel. We Believe Education is the foundation for everyone’s future. Education is a lifelong process. All students can learn. Students should be civic-minded and embrace future roles in the community. Parents/guardians, community, and schools are partners in a student’s education. Providing a safe, resource-filled learning environment is essential. Students will graduate prepared for work and postsecondary education.
C 2 INSTRUCTIONAL FRAMEWORK July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2018 Lake County Schools College and Career Readiness: Non-Negotiables 3 Year Plan
Common Board Configuration Bell Ringer: Put name on Post Card and Answer Question: What is your dream vacation?
Common Board Configuration Learning Goals: Teachers will learn about scope and sequence, blue prints, common planning, and lesson plans.
Common Board Configuration TEAM Domain: Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Common Board Configuration Session Objective: By the end of the session, participants will identify elements on a lesson plan and will demonstrate this by identifying common elements on a lesson plan, connecting prior knowledge during Pattern Puzzles, and using the Interactive Note Taking Guide to document a first day, right away for immediate classroom use.
Common Board Configuration Essential Question: How do we revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21 st Century success? How is lesson planning similar to planning a trip?
Common Board Configuration Common Language: Scope and Sequence Blue Prints Common Planning Lesson Plans
Common Board Configuration Agenda: Gradual Release I DO: Define common language and provide examples of lesson plans WE DO: Invitation to Notice Activity and Pattern Puzzles for the Basic Eight YOU DO: Collect Resources for use Next Day, Right Away in Interactive Note Taking Guide
Common Board Configuration Summarizing Activity: Post Cards to Lisa and Nell.
Common Board Configuration Next Steps: 1.Implement your Next Day, Right Away strategy 2.Reflect and discuss resource you tried with your District Instructional Coach
Common Board Configuration TEAM Domain: Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Bell Ringer: Put name on Post Card and Answer Question: What is your dream vacation? Essential Question: How do we revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21 st Century success? How is lesson planning similar to planning a trip? Common Language: Scope and Sequence Blue Prints Common Planning Lesson Plans Session Objective : By the end of the session, participants will identify elements on a lesson plan and will demonstrate this by identifying common elements on a lesson plan, connecting prior knowledge during Pattern Puzzles, and using the Interactive Note Taking Guide to document a first day, right away for immediate classroom use. Agenda: Gradual Release I DO : Define common language and provide examples of lesson plans WE DO: Invitation to Notice Activity and Pattern Puzzles for the Basic Eight YOU DO: Collect Resources for use Next Day, Right Away in Interactive Note Taking Guide Summarizing Activity: Post Cards to Lisa and Nell. Next Steps: 1.Implement your Next Day, Right Away strategy 2.Reflect and discuss resource you tried with your District Instructional Coach Learning Goals: Teachers will learn about scope and sequence, blue prints, common planning, and lesson plans.
Learning Goal: Learning Goal: Teachers will learn about scope and sequence, blue prints, common planning, and lesson plans. Score 4.0 In addition to level 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught. Personalize and Add other information to the 8 “Basic Essential” lesson plan elements Connect prior knowledge to more than the Basic 8 or include a unique perspectives on them Provide lesson plan ideas to a peer that he or she can use next day in his or her classroom 3.5In addition to score 3.0 performance, in-depth inferences and applications with partial success Score 3.0 The participant, without major errors or omissions, will understand and/or: Identify the 8 “Basic Essential” elements on a lesson plan Connect prior knowledge on the 8 “Basic Essential” elements during Pattern Puzzles Use the Interactive Note Taking Guide to reflect and document how to use material from today’s presentation in his or her classroom 2.5No major errors or omissions regarding 2.0 content and partial knowledge of the 3.0 content Score 2.0 There are no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes. The participant will understand: Identify 4-6 “Basic Essential” elements on a lesson plan Connect prior knowledge to 4-6 “Basic Essential” elements during Pattern Puzzles Include an unclear reflection which would impede future use of the material from today’s presentation 1.5Partial knowledge of the score 2.0 content, but major errors or omissions regarding score 3.0 content Score 1.0 With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and processes. The participant will understand: Identify the 1-3 “Basic Essential” elements on a lesson plan Connect prior knowledge to 1 to 2 “Basic Essential” elements during Pattern Puzzles Did not use the Interactive Note Taking Guide to reflect and document how to use material from today’s presentation OR did make a connection from today’s presentation to work in his or her classroom 0.5With help, a partial understanding of the score 2.0 content, but not the score of 3.0 content Score 0 Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated.
Call to Attention Clap Once If you Can Hear My Voice Clap Twice If You Can Hear My Voice
Destinations Time: 4 Minutes Total (1 Minute for Timed Pair Share) Set Up: Pairs Strategy: Timed Pair Share Purpose: Link Learning to Something Familiar Question: If money and time were no object, how would you plan your dream vacation? Essential Question: How is lesson planning similar to planning a trip? Anchor to Prior Knowledge: Community Builder
1 st Day Takeaways Lisa Sabino and Nell Wills Lesson Planning: Mapping an Academic Journey
Being Mindful of the Audience/Student “Like people in other design professions, such as architecture, engineering, or graphic arts, designers in education must be mindful of their audiences” (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005). Like to Teach v. Need to Teach Appropriate v. Arbitrary Interesting v. Effective Goal of Lesson Planning: Thoughtful and Specific about a Lesson’s Purpose
Common Planning? Question to Ponder: What is it? How does it function? How can I use it make my job easier? Structured, weekly meeting with a group of content-specific teachers. Express ideas Address concerns about students Examine student data Adjust instructional strategies Share responsibilities and successes Team uses curriculum blue prints in order to guide instructional direction. Together you create a grade-level common plan which you can tailor to meet the needs of your specific students.
Big Picture to Student Success Scope and Sequence Blueprints/ Bigger Picture StandardSkill(s)
Blue Prints are Our Instructional Maps
What is a lesson plan? Invitation to Notice Activity Time: 8 Minutes Total (4 Minutes for Jot Thoughts) Set Up: Pairs Strategy: Jot Thoughts Purpose: Identify common elements on example lesson plans and jot down observations Question: With your partner, look over the example lesson plans. How are they alike? How are they different? By the end of the session, participants will identify elements on a lesson plan and will demonstrate this by identifying common elements on a lesson plan, connecting prior knowledge during Pattern Puzzles, and using the Interactive Note Taking Guide to document a first day, right away for immediate classroom use. Share Out! How are they alike? How are they different? What elements do you notice?
The Basic Eight 1. Learning Goal 2. Essential Question 3. Bell Ringer 4. Measurable Objective 5. Standards 6. Daily Agenda (Gradual Release) 7. Learning Scale/Rubric 8. Comprehension Check (Exit Pass)
Pattern Puzzles (CRISS) Processing Activity Time: 7 Minutes Total (5 Minutes for Matching) Set Up: Pairs Strategy: Pattern Puzzles (CRISS) Processing Activity Purpose: Link Learning to Something Familiar Question: How is lesson planning similar to planning a trip Five minute time limit Participants will pair up Match the Lesson Plan Basic Eight to Corresponding Traveling Term Place the cards side by side You will have a one-to-one match up
1 st Day Takeaways Lisa Sabino and Nell Wills Lesson Planning: Mapping an Academic Journey
Basic Eight 1 Learning Goal
Basic Eight 2 Essential Question
Basic Eight 3 Bell Ringer Anchor to Prior Knowledge Warm Up Activity Routine High Success for Student Independent Work 3 Minutes
Basic Eight 4 Measurable Objective Measurable Concrete By the end of __________(time frame), students will ___________________(verb) _____________(content) and will demonstrate this by _______________(showing verb) _____________ (assessment or product).
Basic Eight 5 Standards Recursive v. Specific Speak, Write, Read Daily Specific Actual Skill to be Mastered for the Common Performance Task (CPT)
Basic Eight 6 Daily Agenda/Gradual Release Beginning, Middle, and End I Show, We Try/Practice with Each Other, You Show Me (Teacher), We (Class/Teacher), You (Student)
Basic Eight 7 Learning Goal/Scale
Basic Eight 8 Comprehension Check Multitude of Methods “You Do”: Did they really get the lesson? Use to Modify Lesson Identifies Misconceptions
Planning an Academic Trip Learning GoalDestination Essential QuestionMethod of Transportation Bell RingerInterest/Reason Measurable ObjectiveLength of Stay StandardsTarget Audience/Interests Daily AgendaItinerary Learning Scale RubricCustomer Rating Comprehension Check (Exit Pass)Post on Facebook (Review)
Common Board Configuration TEAM Domain: Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Bell Ringer: Put name on Post Card and Answer Question: What is your dream vacation? Essential Question: How do we revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21 st Century success? How is lesson planning similar to planning a trip? Common Language: Scope and Sequence Blue Prints Common Planning Lesson Plans Session Objective : By the end of the session, participants will identify elements on a lesson plan and will demonstrate this by identifying common elements on a lesson plan, connecting prior knowledge during Pattern Puzzles, and using the Interactive Note Taking Guide to document a first day, right away for immediate classroom use. Agenda: Gradual Release I DO : Define common language and provide examples of lesson plans WE DO: Invitation to Notice Activity and Pattern Puzzles for the Basic Eight YOU DO: Collect Resources for use Next Day, Right Away in Interactive Note Taking Guide Summarizing Activity: Post Cards to Lisa and Nell. Next Steps: 1.Implement your Next Day, Right Away strategy 2.Reflect and discuss resource you tried with your District Instructional Coach Learning Goals: Teachers will learn about scope and sequence, blue prints, common planning, and lesson plans.
Learning Goal: Learning Goal: Teachers will learn about scope and sequence, blue prints, common planning, and lesson plans. Score 4.0 In addition to level 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught. Personalize and Add other information to the 8 “Basic Essential” lesson plan elements Connect prior knowledge to more than the Basic 8 or include a unique perspectives on them Provide lesson plan ideas to a peer that he or she can use next day in his or her classroom 3.5In addition to score 3.0 performance, in-depth inferences and applications with partial success Score 3.0 The participant, without major errors or omissions, will understand and/or: Identify the 8 “Basic Essential” elements on a lesson plan Connect prior knowledge on the 8 “Basic Essential” elements during Pattern Puzzles Use the Interactive Note Taking Guide to reflect and document how to use material from today’s presentation in his or her classroom 2.5No major errors or omissions regarding 2.0 content and partial knowledge of the 3.0 content Score 2.0 There are no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes. The participant will understand: Identify 4-6 “Basic Essential” elements on a lesson plan Connect prior knowledge to 4-6 “Basic Essential” elements during Pattern Puzzles Include an unclear reflection which would impede future use of the material from today’s presentation 1.5Partial knowledge of the score 2.0 content, but major errors or omissions regarding score 3.0 content Score 1.0 With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and processes. The participant will understand: Identify the 1-3 “Basic Essential” elements on a lesson plan Connect prior knowledge to 1 to 2 “Basic Essential” elements during Pattern Puzzles Did not use the Interactive Note Taking Guide to reflect and document how to use material from today’s presentation OR did make a connection from today’s presentation to work in his or her classroom 0.5With help, a partial understanding of the score 2.0 content, but not the score of 3.0 content Score 0 Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated.
1 st Day Takeaways Lisa Sabino and Nell Wills Lesson Planning: Mapping an Academic Journey
Learning Goal: Learning Goal: Teachers will learn about scope and sequence, blue prints, common planning, and lesson plans. Score 4.0 In addition to level 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught. Personalize and Add other information to the 8 “Basic Essential” lesson plan elements Connect prior knowledge to more than the Basic 8 or include a unique perspectives on them Provide lesson plan ideas to a peer that he or she can use next day in his or her classroom 3.5In addition to score 3.0 performance, in-depth inferences and applications with partial success Score 3.0 The participant, without major errors or omissions, will understand and/or: Identify the 8 “Basic Essential” elements on a lesson plan Connect prior knowledge on the 8 “Basic Essential” elements during Pattern Puzzles Use the Interactive Note Taking Guide to reflect and document how to use material from today’s presentation in his or her classroom 2.5No major errors or omissions regarding 2.0 content and partial knowledge of the 3.0 content Score 2.0 There are no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes. The participant will understand: Identify 4-6 “Basic Essential” elements on a lesson plan Connect prior knowledge to 4-6 “Basic Essential” elements during Pattern Puzzles Include an unclear reflection which would impede future use of the material from today’s presentation 1.5Partial knowledge of the score 2.0 content, but major errors or omissions regarding score 3.0 content Score 1.0 With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and processes. The participant will understand: Identify the 1-3 “Basic Essential” elements on a lesson plan Connect prior knowledge to 1 to 2 “Basic Essential” elements during Pattern Puzzles Did not use the Interactive Note Taking Guide to reflect and document how to use material from today’s presentation OR did make a connection from today’s presentation to work in his or her classroom 0.5With help, a partial understanding of the score 2.0 content, but not the score of 3.0 content Score 0 Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated.
Additional Courses You may be interested in these other course offerings: Enriching the Student’s Experience: DQ3 Classroom Management 101 Student Engagement Please contact your school’s District Instructional Coach or browse our course offerings on TrueNorth Logic for further courses in which to tailor your professional development needs.
Classroom Instruction that Works Diving into the Resources! Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback, Chapter 1 Read Pages 2-19 Create the learning environment Reinforce the goal and objective
Postcards to Lisa and Nell Please complete the survey on TNL Also, please complete the Post Card regarding the Basic 8. On your Postcard: Provide your name, school Where you are on the learning scale Souvenir Shopping! If there is anything you want from the presentation, let us know and we will get it to you during Pre-Planning: August 3-5 and 8-9, 2016.
References and Additional Information Dean, C. B., Hubbell, E. R., Pitler, H., & Stone, B. (2012). Classroom instruction that works (2 nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). Gill, M. G. & Hoffman, B. (2009). Shared planning time: A novel context for studying teachers’ beliefs. Teachers College Record, 111, Kagan, S., & Kagan, M. (2009). Kagan Cooperative Learning. San Clemente, CA: Kagan Publishing. Martens, S. B., Flowers, N., Anfara, V. A., & Caskey, M. M. (2009). Common planning. Middle School Journal, Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design (2 nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Department (ASCD).