Plan Canada at Queen’s What is PCAQ (Plan Canada at Queen’s)? PCAQ is an up and coming club at Queen’s University that supports PLAN Canada. What is PLAN? PLAN Canada is a global movement for change, mobilizing millions of people around the world to support social justice for children in developing countries. Here is a description of one of the children who PLAN supports! Mbokal is a child living in a poverty stricken rural area of Cameroon. She attends primary school that is an hour walk away. For water, her family obtains it from a borehole, however, collection may take up to 30 minutes. Mbokal lives in a house made of cane with a bamboo roof and an earth floor. Her family prepares food using firewood and a make- shift stove. For sanitation, Mbokal uses a pit latrine. The nearest healthcare centre is about an hour away. Supporters of PLAN help Mbokal by providing her family with resources. These resources are used to better Mbokal’s living conditions and education! Are you interested in being a part of PCAQ? Please go to [insert link here] to let us know!
Plan Canada at Queen’s What is PCAQ (Plan Canada at Queen’s)? PCAQ is an up and coming club at Queen’s University that supports PLAN Canada. What is PLAN? PLAN Canada is a global movement for change, mobilizing millions of people around the world to support social justice for children in developing countries. Here is a description of one of the villages PLAN supports! The village of Berket is a poverty stricken rural area of Cameroon. The children of Berket attend primary school that is an hour walk away. For water, the villagers obtain it from a borehole, however, collection may take up to 30 minutes. Most people of Berket live in houses made of cane with a bamboo roof and an earth floor. Typically, the people of Berket prepare food using firewood and a make-shift stove. For sanitation, they use a pit latrine. The nearest healthcare centre is about an hour away. Supporters of PLAN help the people of Berket by providing them with resources. These resources are used to better their living conditions and education! Are you interested in being a part of PCAQ? Please go to [insert link here] to let us know!
Plan Canada at Queen’s What is PCAQ (Plan Canada at Queen’s)? PCAQ is an up and coming club at Queen’s University that supports PLAN Canada. What is PLAN? PLAN Canada is a global movement for change, mobilizing millions of people around the world to support social justice for children in developing countries. Here is a description of one of the countries PLAN supports! There are many poverty stricken areas in the rural regions of Cameroon. The children of these rural areas attend primary school that is typically an hour walk away. For water, the people of these rural regions obtain it from a borehole, however, collection may take up to 30 minutes. Most people of these rural regions live in houses made of cane with a bamboo roof and an earth floor. Typically, the people of these rural regions prepare food using firewood and a make-shift stove. For sanitation, they use a pit latrine. The nearest healthcare centre is typically about an hour away. Supporters of PLAN help the people living in rural areas of Cameroon by providing them with resources. These resources are used to better their living conditions and education! Are you interested in being a part of PCAQ? Please go to [insert link here] to let us know!