World of Genocide: Central African Republic By: Joana and Alena
Genocide Case Study: Central African Republic
Cause: What began in 2013 as political violence initiated by rebel groups opposing the government of the Central African Republic, (cause) has taken on a religious dimension, and groups and individuals are now being targeted because of their Christian or Muslim identity.
conflict Current conflict has been escalating since March 2013 Thousands have been killed Over 600,000 people internally displaced and 340,000 refugees have fled to neighboring countries.
conflict Millions of civilians lack access to adequate food, water, medical care, and shelter. Armed factions on all sides have committed crimes against humanity, including widespread murder, sexual violence, and the recruitment of child soldiers.
Religious conflict Muslims flee to Cameroon Muslims have been fleeing what has been described as ethnic cleansing
Important events In September 2013, the anti-balaka forces began committing widespread revenge attacks against mostly Muslims civilians, displacing tens of thousands of people to Seleka-controlled areas in the north.
Important events (resolution) - the UN Security Council in April 2014 established a peacemaking force that incorporated African Union and French forces that had been deployed to Central African Republic previously
resolution The council is scheduled to adopt a resolution, renewing the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until 30 April 2016.
Solution to their genocide.. International peacekeepers could freeze the conflict into a stare- down, which would be precarious but bloodless. Another plan would be for the remaining Muslims to flee to other countries or to Muslim-majority areas of CAR..
Pledge 1. I pledge to do my part to end genocide: the intentional destruction, in whole or in part, of a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group. 2. I commit myself never to be a passive bystander to genocide anywhere. 3. I promise to report any signs of the approach of a genocide to government officials, to the press, and to organizations that can take action to prevent it. 4. I will protest the acts of planners and perpetrators of genocide. I will not remain silent about their incitement of hate crimes, mass murders and other acts of genocide.
Cited Work tracker/p32137#!/conflict/violence-in-the-central-African-republichttp:// tracker/p32137#!/conflict/violence-in-the-central-African-republic Images are from Minusca logo found on twitter